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public function ParameterBinding::getArgument in Drupal 7 to 8/9 Module Upgrader 8

Returns the argument.

Return value


4 calls to ParameterBinding::getArgument()
ParameterBinding::getValue in src/Routing/ParameterBinding.php
Returns the value of the binding. If the value is an instance of \Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\Utility\Path\PathComponentInterface, the binding expects to be physically represented in the path, although it may not yet be (this can be ascertained by the…
ParameterBinding::hasArgument in src/Routing/ParameterBinding.php
Returns if this binding has an explicit argument.
ParameterBinding::inPath in src/Routing/ParameterBinding.php
Returns if the parameter is explicitly represented in the path.
ParameterBinding::isPathPosition in src/Routing/ParameterBinding.php
Whether or not the argument is a path position (integer greater than or equal to 0).


src/Routing/ParameterBinding.php, line 80


Represents a binding between a single callback parameter and a single path component in a Drupal 8 route path, possibly affected by an argument.




public function getArgument() {
  return $this->argument;