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Watchdog.php in Drupal 7 to 8/9 Module Upgrader 8


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namespace Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\Plugin\DMU\Converter\Functions;

use Drupal\drupalmoduleupgrader\TargetInterface;
use Pharborist\Constants\ConstantNode;
use Pharborist\Functions\FunctionCallNode;
use Pharborist\Objects\ClassMethodCallNode;
use Pharborist\Types\ArrayNode;

 * @Converter(
 *  id = "watchdog",
 *  description = @Translation("Converts calls to watchdog() to \Drupal::logger().")
 * )
class Watchdog extends FunctionCallModifier {
  protected static $severityConstants = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function rewrite(FunctionCallNode $call, TargetInterface $target) {
    $arguments = $call

    // We'll call a specific method on the logger object, depending on the
    // severity passed in the original function call (if any). If there are
    // at least four arguments, a severity was passed. We check $arguments[3]
    // to ensure it's a valid severity constant, and if it's not, we default
    // to the notice() severity.
    // @TODO Leave a FIXME for an invalid severity, since changing it to a
    // notice alters the intent of the original code.
    if (sizeof($arguments) > 3 && $arguments[3] instanceof ConstantNode && in_array($arguments[3]
      ->getText(), static::$severityConstants)) {
      $method = strtolower(substr($arguments[3], 9));
    else {
      $method = 'notice';

    // If there is a third argument, and it's an array, a context array
    // was passed.
    $context = sizeof($arguments) > 2 && $arguments[2] instanceof ArrayNode ? clone $arguments[2] : ArrayNode::create([]);
    return ClassMethodCallNode::create('\\Drupal', 'logger')
      ->appendArgument(clone $arguments[0])
      ->appendArgument(clone $arguments[1])



Namesort descending Description
Watchdog Plugin annotation @Converter( id = "watchdog", description = @Translation("Converts calls to watchdog() to \Drupal::logger().") )