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10 calls to _update_cache_clear() in Drupal 7

hook_themes_disabled in modules/system/theme.api.php
Respond to themes being disabled.
UpdateCoreTestCase::testFetchTasks in modules/update/update.test
Tests that exactly one fetch task per project is created and not more.
update_cache_clear_submit in modules/update/update.module
Form submission handler for system_modules().
update_flush_caches in modules/update/update.module
Implements hook_flush_caches().
update_project_cache in modules/update/
Retrieves data from {cache_update} or empties the cache when necessary.
update_settings_submit in modules/update/
Form submission handler for update_settings().
update_themes_disabled in modules/update/update.module
Implements hook_themes_disabled().
update_themes_enabled in modules/update/update.module
Implements hook_themes_enabled().
_update_process_fetch_task in modules/update/
Processes a task to fetch available update data for a single project.
_update_refresh in modules/update/
Clears out all the cached available update data and initiates re-fetching.