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9 calls to trigger_get_assigned_actions() in Drupal 7

actions_loop_test_watchdog in modules/simpletest/tests/actions_loop_test.module
Implements hook_watchdog().
TriggerActionTestCase::assignSimpleAction in modules/trigger/trigger.test
Assigns a simple (non-configurable) action to a trigger.
TriggerOtherTestCase::testActionsUser in modules/trigger/trigger.test
Tests triggering on user create and user login.
trigger_assign_form in modules/trigger/
Returns the form for assigning an action to a trigger.
trigger_cron in modules/trigger/trigger.module
Implements hook_cron().
_trigger_comment in modules/trigger/trigger.module
Calls action functions for comment triggers.
_trigger_node in modules/trigger/trigger.module
Calls action functions for node triggers.
_trigger_taxonomy in modules/trigger/trigger.module
Calls action functions for taxonomy triggers.
_trigger_user in modules/trigger/trigger.module
Calls action functions for user triggers.