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static function ThemeUpdater::canUpdateDirectory in Drupal 7

Determine if the Updater can handle the project provided in $directory.

@todo: Provide something more rational here, like a project spec file.


string $directory:

Return value

bool TRUE if the project is installed, FALSE if not.

Overrides DrupalUpdaterInterface::canUpdateDirectory


modules/system/, line 125
Subclasses of the Updater class to update Drupal core knows how to update. At this time, only modules and themes are supported.


Class for updating themes using FileTransfer classes via authorize.php.


static function canUpdateDirectory($directory) {

  // This is a lousy test, but don't know how else to confirm it is a theme.
  if (file_scan_directory($directory, '/.*\\.module$/')) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;