function StatisticsAdminTestCase::testExpiredLogs in Drupal 7
Tests that cron clears day counts and expired access logs.
- modules/
statistics/ statistics.test, line 427 - Tests for the Statistics module.
- StatisticsAdminTestCase
- Tests the statistics administration screen.
function testExpiredLogs() {
variable_set('statistics_enable_access_log', 1);
variable_set('statistics_count_content_views', 1);
variable_set('statistics_day_timestamp', 8640000);
variable_set('statistics_flush_accesslog_timer', 1);
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->test_node->nid);
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->test_node->nid);
->assertText('1 read', 'Node is read once.');
->assertText('node/' . $this->test_node->nid, 'Hit URL found.');
// statistics_cron will subtract the statistics_flush_accesslog_timer
// variable from REQUEST_TIME in the delete query, so wait two secs here to
// make sure the access log will be flushed for the node just hit.
->assertNoText('node/' . $this->test_node->nid, 'No hit URL found.');
$result = db_select('node_counter', 'nc')
->fields('nc', array(
->condition('nid', $this->test_node->nid, '=')
->assertFalse($result, 'Daycounter is zero.');