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function FormsTriggeringElementTestCase::testAttemptAccessControlBypass in Drupal 7

Test that $form_state['triggering_element'] does not get set to a button with #access=FALSE.


modules/simpletest/tests/form.test, line 1968
Unit tests for the Drupal Form API.


Test that FAPI correctly determines $form_state['triggering_element'].


function testAttemptAccessControlBypass() {
  $path = 'form-test/clicked-button';
  $form_html_id = 'form-test-clicked-button';

  // Retrieve a form where 'button1' has #access=FALSE and 'button2' doesn't.
    ->drupalGet($path . '/rs/s');

  // Submit the form with 'button1=button1' in the POST data, which someone
  // trying to get around security safeguards could easily do. We have to do
  // a little trickery here, to work around the safeguards in drupalPost(): by
  // renaming the text field that is in the form to 'button1', we can get the
  // data we want into $_POST.
  $elements = $this
    ->xpath('//form[@id="' . $form_html_id . '"]//input[@name="text"]');
  $elements[0]['name'] = 'button1';
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
    'button1' => 'button1',
  ), NULL, array(), array(), $form_html_id);

  // Ensure that $form_state['triggering_element'] was not set to the
  // restricted button. Do this with both a negative and positive assertion,
  // because negative assertions alone can be brittle. See
  // testNoButtonInfoInPost() for why the triggering element gets set to
  // 'button2'.
    ->assertNoText('The clicked button is button1.', '$form_state[\'triggering_element\'] not set to a restricted button.');
    ->assertText('The clicked button is button2.', '$form_state[\'triggering_element\'] not set to a restricted button.');