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static function TestFileTransfer::factory in Drupal 7

Classes that extend this class must override the factory() static method.


string $jail: The full path where all file operations performed by this object will be restricted to. This prevents the FileTransfer classes from being able to touch other parts of the filesystem.

array $settings: An array of connection settings for the FileTransfer subclass. If the getSettingsForm() method uses any nested settings, the same structure will be assumed here.

Return value

object New instance of the appropriate FileTransfer subclass.

Overrides FileTransfer::factory

1 call to TestFileTransfer::factory()
FileTranferTest::setUp in modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.


modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test, line 109


Mock FileTransfer object for test case.


static function factory($jail, $settings) {
  return new TestFileTransfer($jail, $settings['username'], $settings['password'], $settings['hostname'], $settings['port']);