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function ShortcutLinksTestCase::testNoShortcutLink in Drupal 7

Tests that the add shortcut link is not displayed for 404/403 errors.

Tests that the "Add to shortcuts" link is not displayed on a page not found or a page the user does not have access to.


modules/shortcut/shortcut.test, line 209
Tests for shortcut.module.


Defines shortcut links test cases.


function testNoShortcutLink() {

  // Change to a theme that displays shortcuts.
  variable_set('theme_default', 'seven');
    ->assertNoRaw('add-shortcut', 'Add to shortcuts link was not shown on a page not found.');

  // The user does not have access to this path.
    ->assertNoRaw('add-shortcut', 'Add to shortcuts link was not shown on a page the user does not have access to.');

  // Verify that the testing mechanism works by verifying the shortcut
  // link appears on admin/content/node.
    ->assertRaw('add-shortcut', 'Add to shortcuts link was shown on a page the user does have access to.');