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function NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypeDeletion in Drupal 7

Tests deleting a content type that still has content.


modules/node/node.test, line 1621
Tests for node.module.


Tests related to node types.


function testNodeTypeDeletion() {

  // Create a content type programmatically.
  $type = $this

  // Log in a test user.
  $web_user = $this
    'bypass node access',
    'administer content types',

  // Add a new node of this type.
  $node = $this
    'type' => $type->type,

  // Attempt to delete the content type, which should not be allowed.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $type->name . '/delete');
    ->assertRaw(t('%type is used by 1 piece of content on your site. You cannot remove this content type until you have removed all of the %type content.', array(
    '%type' => $type->name,
  )), 'The content type will not be deleted until all nodes of that type are removed.');
    ->assertNoText(t('This action cannot be undone.'), 'The node type deletion confirmation form is not available.');

  // Delete the node.

  // Attempt to delete the content type, which should now be allowed.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $type->name . '/delete');
    ->assertRaw(t('Are you sure you want to delete the content type %type?', array(
    '%type' => $type->name,
  )), 'The content type is available for deletion.');
    ->assertText(t('This action cannot be undone.'), 'The node type deletion confirmation form is available.');