9 calls to node_view() in Drupal 6
- blog_page_last in modules/
blog/ blog.pages.inc - Menu callback; displays a Drupal page containing recent blog entries of all users.
- blog_page_user in modules/
blog/ blog.pages.inc - Menu callback; displays a Drupal page containing recent blog entries of a given user.
- comment_form_add_preview in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Form builder; Generate and validate a comment preview form.
- comment_reply in modules/
comment/ comment.pages.inc - This function is responsible for generating a comment reply form. There are several cases that have to be handled, including:
- node_page_default in modules/
node/ node.module - Menu callback; Generate a listing of promoted nodes.
- node_show in modules/
node/ node.module - Generate a page displaying a single node, along with its comments.
- node_unpublish_by_keyword_action in modules/
node/ node.module - Implementation of a configurable Drupal action. Unpublish a node if it contains a certain string.
- taxonomy_render_nodes in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Accepts the result of a pager_query() call, such as that performed by taxonomy_select_nodes(), and formats each node along with a pager.
- theme_node_preview in modules/
node/ node.pages.inc - Display a node preview for display during node creation and editing.