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15 calls to locale_supported_languages() in Drupal 4

locale_admin_manage_delete_form in modules/locale.module
User interface for the language deletion confirmation screen.
locale_admin_manage_delete_form_submit in modules/locale.module
Process language deletion submissions.
locale_get_plural in modules/locale.module
Returns plural form index for a specific number.
locale_initialize in includes/
Initialize the localization system.
locale_refresh_cache in modules/locale.module
Refreshes database stored cache of translations.
locale_user in modules/locale.module
Implementation of hook_user().
_locale_admin_export_screen in includes/
User interface for the translation export screen
_locale_admin_import_screen in includes/
User interface for the translation import screen.
_locale_admin_import_submit in includes/
Process the locale import form submission.
_locale_admin_manage_screen in includes/
User interface for the language management screen.
_locale_admin_manage_screen_submit in includes/
Process locale admin manager form submissions.
_locale_prepare_iso_list in includes/
Prepares the language code list for a select form item with only the unsupported ones
_locale_string_edit in includes/
User interface for string editing.
_locale_string_language_list in includes/
List languages in search result table
_locale_string_seek_form in includes/
User interface for the string search screen