- AJAXMultiFormTestCase::setUp in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ ajax.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- FieldFormTestCase::setUp in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Set the default field storage backend for fields created during tests.
- field_add_more_js in modules/
field/ field.form.inc - Ajax callback in response to a new empty widget being added to the form.
- field_default_validate in modules/
field/ field.default.inc - Generic field validation handler.
- field_multiple_value_form in modules/
field/ field.form.inc - Special handling to create form elements for multiple values.
- field_sql_storage_field_storage_load in modules/
field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/ field_sql_storage.module - Implements hook_field_storage_load().
- field_sql_storage_field_storage_write in modules/
field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/ field_sql_storage.module - Implements hook_field_storage_write().
- field_test_field_storage_load in modules/
field/ tests/ field_test.storage.inc - Implements hook_field_storage_load().
- field_test_field_storage_write in modules/
field/ tests/ field_test.storage.inc - Implements hook_field_storage_write().
- FileFieldDisplayTestCase::testNodeDisplay in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests normal formatter display on node display.
- FileFieldValidateTestCase::testRequired in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests the required property on file fields.
- file_field_widget_form in modules/
file/ file.field.inc - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- FormsRebuildTestCase::testPreserveFormActionAfterAJAX in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests that a form's action is retained after an Ajax submission.
- hook_field_storage_load in modules/
field/ field.api.php - Load field data for a set of entities.
- hook_field_storage_write in modules/
field/ field.api.php - Write field data for an entity.
- options_field_widget_form in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.module - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- standard_install in profiles/
standard/ standard.install - Implements hook_install().
- system_update_7060 in modules/
system/ system.install - Create fields in preparation for migrating upload.module to file.module.
- TaxonomyRSSTestCase::setUp in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase::setUp in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase::setUp in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::setUp in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- TaxonomyTokenReplaceTestCase::setUp in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- taxonomy_update_7004 in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.install - Move taxonomy vocabulary associations for nodes to fields and field instances.
- taxonomy_update_7005 in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.install - Migrate {taxonomy_term_node} table to field storage.
- theme_field_multiple_value_form in modules/
field/ field.form.inc - Returns HTML for an individual form element.
- UserRegistrationTestCase::testRegistrationWithUserFields in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests Field API fields on user registration forms.
- _field_sort_items in modules/
field/ field.module - Helper function to sort items in a field according to user drag-n-drop reordering.