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private function BlogTestCase::doBasicTests in Drupal 7

Run basic tests on the indicated user.


object $user: The logged in user.

boolean $admin: User has 'access administration pages' privilege.

1 call to BlogTestCase::doBasicTests()
BlogTestCase::testBlog in modules/blog/blog.test
Login users, create blog nodes, and test blog functionality through the admin and user interfaces.


modules/blog/blog.test, line 103
Tests for blog.module.


@file Tests for blog.module.


private function doBasicTests($user, $admin) {

  // Login the user.

  // Create blog node.
  $node = $this
    'type' => 'blog',

  // Verify the user has access to all the blog nodes.
    ->verifyBlogs($user, $node, $admin);

  // Create one more node to test the blog page with more than one node
    'type' => 'blog',
    'uid' => $user->uid,

  // Verify the blog links are displayed.