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function AggregatorTestCase::deleteFeed in Drupal 7

Deletes an aggregator feed.


$feed: Feed object representing the feed.

7 calls to AggregatorTestCase::deleteFeed()
AddFeedTestCase::testAddFeed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates and ensures that a feed is unique, checks source, and deletes feed.
AddFeedTestCase::testAddLongFeed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Tests feeds with very long URLs.
CategorizeFeedItemTestCase::testCategorizeFeedItem in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Checks that children of a feed inherit a defined category.
RemoveFeedItemTestCase::testRemoveFeedItem in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Tests running "remove items" from 'admin/config/services/aggregator' page.
RemoveFeedTestCase::testRemoveFeed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Removes a feed and ensures that all of its services are removed.

... See full list


modules/aggregator/aggregator.test, line 49
Tests for aggregator.module.


Defines a base class for testing the Aggregator module.


function deleteFeed($feed) {
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/services/aggregator/edit/feed/' . $feed->fid, array(), t('Delete'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The feed %title has been deleted.', array(
    '%title' => $feed->title,
  )), 'Feed deleted successfully.');