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18 calls to truncate_utf8() in Drupal 7

aggregator_aggregator_process in modules/aggregator/
Implements hook_aggregator_process().
aggregator_parse_feed in modules/aggregator/
Parses a feed and stores its items.
comment_admin_overview in modules/comment/
Form builder for the comment overview administration form.
comment_submit in modules/comment/comment.module
Prepare a comment for submission.
DatabaseSchema_mysql::prepareComment in includes/database/mysql/
Prepare a table or column comment for database query.
DBLogTestCase::assertLogMessage in modules/dblog/dblog.test
Confirms that a log message appears on the database log overview screen.
DBLogTestCase::doUser in modules/dblog/dblog.test
Generates and then verifies some user events.
field_ui_field_overview_form in modules/field_ui/
Form constructor for the 'Manage fields' form of a bundle.
search_excerpt in modules/search/search.module
Returns snippets from a piece of text, with certain keywords highlighted. Used for formatting search results.
StatisticsLoggingTestCase::testLogging in modules/statistics/statistics.test
Verifies request logging for cached and uncached pages.
text_summary in modules/field/modules/text/text.module
Generate a trimmed, formatted version of a text field value.
theme_dblog_message in modules/dblog/
Returns HTML for a log message.
UnicodeUnitTest::runTruncateTests in modules/simpletest/tests/unicode.test
Runs test cases for helperTestTruncate().
_book_toc_recurse in modules/book/book.module
Recursively processes and formats menu items for book_toc().
_locale_translate_seek in includes/
Perform a string search and display results in a table
_menu_parents_recurse in modules/menu/menu.module
Recursive helper function for menu_parent_options().
_search_index_truncate in modules/search/search.module
Helper function for array_walk in search_index_split.
_statistics_link in modules/statistics/statistics.module
Generates a link to a path, truncating the displayed text to a given width.