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70 theme calls to theme_table() in Drupal 7

aggregator_view in modules/aggregator/
Displays the aggregator administration page.
book_admin_overview in modules/book/
Returns an administrative overview of all books.
contact_category_list in modules/contact/
Categories/list tab.
dblog_event in modules/dblog/
Page callback: Displays details about a specific database log message.
dblog_overview in modules/dblog/
Page callback: Displays a listing of database log messages.
dblog_top in modules/dblog/
Page callback: Shows the most frequent log messages of a given event type.
field_ui_fields_list in modules/field_ui/
Menu callback; lists all defined fields for quick reference.
hook_field_formatter_view in modules/field/field.api.php
Build a renderable array for a field value.
locale_date_format_language_overview_page in modules/locale/
Display edit date format links for each language.
locale_translate_overview_screen in modules/locale/
Overview screen for translations.
menu_overview_page in modules/menu/
Menu callback which shows an overview page of all the custom menus and their descriptions.
node_admin_nodes in modules/node/
Form builder: Builds the node administration overview.
node_overview_types in modules/node/
Displays the content type admin overview page.
node_revision_overview in modules/node/
Generates an overview table of older revisions of a node.
openid_user_identities in modules/openid/
Menu callback; Manage OpenID identities for the specified user.
path_admin_overview in modules/path/
Returns a listing of all defined URL aliases.
poll_votes in modules/poll/
Callback for the 'votes' tab for polls you can see other votes on
shortcut_set_admin in modules/shortcut/
Menu page callback: builds the page for administering shortcut sets.
simpletest_result_form in modules/simpletest/
Test results form for $test_id.
statistics_access_log in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Gathers page access statistics suitable for rendering.
statistics_node_tracker in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays statistics for a node.
statistics_recent_hits in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays the "recent hits" page.
statistics_top_pages in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays statistics for the "top pages" (most accesses).
statistics_top_referrers in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays the "top referrers" in the access logs.
statistics_top_visitors in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays the "top visitors" page.
statistics_user_tracker in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays statistics for a user.
system_actions_manage in modules/system/
Menu callback; Displays an overview of available and configured actions.
system_date_time_formats in modules/system/
Displays the date format strings overview page.
system_ip_blocking in modules/system/
Menu callback. Display blocked IP addresses.
ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableFooter in modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
Test that the 'footer' option works correctly.
ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableNoStickyHeaders in modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
If $sticky is FALSE, no tableheader.js should be included.
ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableStickyHeaders in modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
Tableheader.js provides 'sticky' table headers, and is included by default.
ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableWithEmptyMessage in modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
Tests that the table header is printed correctly even if there are no rows, and that the empty text is displayed correctly.
ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableWithNoStriping in modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
Tests that the 'no_striping' option works correctly.
theme_aggregator_categorize_items in modules/aggregator/
Returns HTML for the aggregator page list form for assigning categories.
theme_book_admin_table in modules/book/
Returns HTML for a book administration form.
theme_field_multiple_value_form in modules/field/
Returns HTML for an individual form element.
theme_field_ui_table in modules/field_ui/
Returns HTML for Field UI overview tables.
theme_file_formatter_table in modules/file/
Returns HTML for a file attachments table.
theme_file_widget_multiple in modules/file/
Returns HTML for a group of file upload widgets.
theme_filter_admin_format_filter_order in modules/filter/
Returns HTML for a text format's filter order form.
theme_filter_admin_overview in modules/filter/
Returns HTML for the text format administration overview form.
theme_image_anchor in modules/image/
Returns HTML for a 3x3 grid of checkboxes for image anchors.
theme_image_style_effects in modules/image/
Returns HTML for a listing of the effects within a specific image style.
theme_image_style_list in modules/image/
Returns HTML for the page containing the list of image styles.
theme_locale_date_format_form in modules/locale/
Returns HTML for a locale date format form.
theme_locale_languages_configure_form in modules/locale/
Returns HTML for a language configuration form.
theme_locale_languages_overview_form in modules/locale/
Returns HTML for the language overview form.
theme_menu_overview_form in modules/menu/
Returns HTML for the menu overview form into a table.
theme_node_recent_block in modules/node/node.module
Returns HTML for a list of recent content.
theme_node_search_admin in modules/node/node.module
Returns HTML for the content ranking part of the search settings admin page.
theme_poll_choices in modules/poll/poll.module
Returns HTML for an admin poll form for choices.
theme_profile_admin_overview in modules/profile/
Returns HTML for the profile field overview form into a drag and drop enabled table.
theme_shortcut_set_customize in modules/shortcut/
Returns HTML for a shortcut set customization form.
theme_simpletest_test_table in modules/simpletest/
Returns HTML for a test list generated by simpletest_test_form() into a table.
theme_system_date_time_settings in modules/system/
Returns HTML for the date settings form.
theme_system_modules_fieldset in modules/system/
Returns HTML for the modules form.
theme_system_modules_uninstall in modules/system/
Returns HTML for a table of currently disabled modules.
theme_tableselect in includes/
Returns HTML for a table with radio buttons or checkboxes.
theme_taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy/
Returns HTML for a terms overview form as a sortable list of terms.
theme_taxonomy_overview_vocabularies in modules/taxonomy/
Returns HTML for the vocabulary overview form as a sortable list of vocabularies.
theme_trigger_display in modules/trigger/
Returns HTML for the form showing actions assigned to a trigger.
theme_update_report in modules/update/
Returns HTML for the project status report.
theme_user_admin_permissions in modules/user/
Returns HTML for the administer permissions page.
theme_user_admin_roles in modules/user/
Returns HTML for the role order and new role form.
tracker_page in modules/tracker/
Page callback: prints a listing of active nodes on the site.
translation_node_overview in modules/translation/
Page callback: Displays a list of a node's translations.
update_manager_update_form in modules/update/
Form constructor for the update form of the Update Manager module.
_filter_html_tips in modules/filter/filter.module
Implements callback_filter_tips().
_locale_translate_seek in includes/
Perform a string search and display results in a table