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17 theme calls to theme_image() in Drupal 7

ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldDefaultImage in modules/image/image.test
Test use of a default image with an image field.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldSettings in modules/image/image.test
Tests for image field settings.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::_testImageFieldFormatters in modules/image/image.test
Test image formatters on node display.
seven_tablesort_indicator in themes/seven/template.php
Override of theme_tablesort_indicator().
simpletest_result_status_image in modules/simpletest/
Get the appropriate image for the status.
template_preprocess_aggregator_feed_source in modules/aggregator/
Processes variables for aggregator-feed-source.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_user_picture in modules/user/user.module
Process variables for user-picture.tpl.php.
theme_feed_icon in includes/
Returns HTML for a feed icon.
theme_image_formatter in modules/image/
Returns HTML for an image field formatter.
theme_image_style in modules/image/image.module
Returns HTML for an image using a specific image style.
theme_image_style_preview in modules/image/
Returns HTML for a preview of an image style.
theme_simpletest_test_table in modules/simpletest/
Returns HTML for a test list generated by simpletest_test_form() into a table.
theme_system_themes_page in modules/system/
Returns HTML for the Appearance page.
theme_tablesort_indicator in includes/
Returns HTML for a sort icon.
theme_update_report in modules/update/
Returns HTML for the project status report.
_color_theme_select_form_alter in modules/color/color.module
Helper for hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() implementations.
_system_modules_build_row in modules/system/
Build a table row for the system modules page.