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12 string references to 'theme' in Drupal 5

chameleon_page in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
color_get_info in modules/color/color.module
Retrieve the color.module info for a particular theme.
color_scheme_form_submit in modules/color/color.module
Submit handler for color change form.
drupal_get_css in includes/
Returns a themed representation of all stylesheets that should be attached to the page. It loads the CSS in order, with 'core' CSS first, then 'module' CSS, then 'theme' CSS files. This ensures proper cascading of styles…
init_theme in includes/
Initialize the theme system by loading the theme.
node_type_form_validate in modules/node/
Implementation of hook_form_validate().
st in includes/
Hardcoded function for doing the equivalent of theme('placeholder') when the theme system is not available.
system_theme_data in modules/system/system.module
Collect data about all currently available themes
system_update_145 in modules/system/system.install
theme_color_scheme_form in modules/color/color.module
Theme color form.
user_fields in modules/user/user.module
_color_rewrite_stylesheet in modules/color/color.module
Rewrite the stylesheet to match the colors in the palette.