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public static function DrupalRequestSanitizer::sanitize in Drupal 7

Modifies the request to strip dangerous keys from user input.

2 calls to DrupalRequestSanitizer::sanitize()
RequestSanitizerTest::requestSanitizationTest in modules/simpletest/tests/request_sanitizer.test
Tests RequestSanitizer class.
_drupal_bootstrap_configuration in includes/
Sets up the script environment and loads settings.php.


includes/, line 21
Contains code for sanitizing user input from the request.


Sanitizes user input from the request.


public static function sanitize() {
  if (!self::$sanitized) {
    $whitelist = variable_get('sanitize_input_whitelist', array());
    $log_sanitized_keys = variable_get('sanitize_input_logging', FALSE);

    // Process query string parameters.
    $get_sanitized_keys = array();
    $_GET = self::stripDangerousValues($_GET, $whitelist, $get_sanitized_keys);
    if ($log_sanitized_keys && $get_sanitized_keys) {
      _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging(format_string('Potentially unsafe keys removed from query string parameters (GET): @keys', array(
        '@keys' => implode(', ', $get_sanitized_keys),
      )), E_USER_NOTICE);

    // Process request body parameters.
    $post_sanitized_keys = array();
    $_POST = self::stripDangerousValues($_POST, $whitelist, $post_sanitized_keys);
    if ($log_sanitized_keys && $post_sanitized_keys) {
      _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging(format_string('Potentially unsafe keys removed from request body parameters (POST): @keys', array(
        '@keys' => implode(', ', $post_sanitized_keys),
      )), E_USER_NOTICE);

    // Process cookie parameters.
    $cookie_sanitized_keys = array();
    $_COOKIE = self::stripDangerousValues($_COOKIE, $whitelist, $cookie_sanitized_keys);
    if ($log_sanitized_keys && $cookie_sanitized_keys) {
      _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging(format_string('Potentially unsafe keys removed from cookie parameters (COOKIE): @keys', array(
        '@keys' => implode(', ', $cookie_sanitized_keys),
      )), E_USER_NOTICE);
    $request_sanitized_keys = array();
    $_REQUEST = self::stripDangerousValues($_REQUEST, $whitelist, $request_sanitized_keys);
    self::$sanitized = TRUE;