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13 calls to module_hook() in Drupal 6

drupal_check_profile in includes/
Check a profile's requirements.
help_page in modules/help/
Menu callback; prints a page listing general help for a module.
menu_get_active_help in includes/
Returns the help associated with the active menu item.
module_disable in includes/
Disable a given set of modules.
module_enable in includes/
Enable a given list of modules.
module_implements in includes/
Determine which modules are implementing a hook.
module_invoke in includes/
Invoke a hook in a particular module.
module_rebuild_cache in includes/
Rebuild the database cache of module files.
node_hook in modules/node/node.module
Determine whether a node hook exists.
search_admin_settings in modules/search/
Menu callback; displays the search module settings page.
search_data in modules/search/search.module
Perform a standard search on the given keys, and return the formatted results.
system_get_module_admin_tasks in modules/system/system.module
Generate a list of tasks offered by a specified module.
system_modules_uninstall in modules/system/
Builds a form of currently disabled modules.