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22 calls to module_exist() in Drupal 4

block_admin_display in modules/block.module
Generate main block administration form.
chameleon_node in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
contact_help in modules/contact.module
Implementation of hook_help().
forum_page in modules/forum.module
Menu callback; prints a forum listing.
menu_primary_links in includes/
Returns an array containing the primary links. Can optionally descend from the root of the Primary links menu towards the current node for a specified number of levels and return that submenu. Used to generate a primary/secondary menu from different…
menu_rebuild in includes/
Populate the database representation of the menu.
node_menu in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
node_revision_revert_confirm_submit in modules/node.module
node_search in modules/node.module
Implementation of hook_search().
phptemplate_node in themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine
system_modules in modules/system.module
Menu callback; displays a listing of all modules.
system_modules_submit in modules/system.module
system_theme_settings in modules/system.module
Menu callback; display theme configuration for entire site and individual themes.
theme_aggregator_block_item in modules/aggregator.module
Format an individual feed item for display in the block.
theme_block_admin_display in modules/block.module
Theme main block administration form submission.
theme_forum_display in modules/forum.module
Format the forum body.
theme_get_settings in includes/
Retrieve an associative array containing the settings for a theme.
theme_node in includes/
Return a themed node.
theme_system_modules in modules/system.module
tracker_page in modules/tracker.module
Menu callback. Prints a listing of active nodes on the site.
user_menu in modules/user.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
_menu_build in includes/
Build the menu by querying both modules and the database.