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12 calls to menu_get_menu() in Drupal 4

menu_configure in modules/menu.module
Menu callback; presents menu configuration options.
menu_execute_active_handler in includes/
Execute the handler associated with the active menu item.
menu_get_item in includes/
Retrieves the menu item specified by $mid, or by $path if $mid is not given.
menu_get_root_menus in includes/
Retrieves the menu ID and title of all root menus.
menu_overview_tree in modules/menu.module
Present the menu tree, rendered along with links to edit menu items.
menu_primary_links in includes/
Returns an array containing the primary links. Can optionally descend from the root of the Primary links menu towards the current node for a specified number of levels and return that submenu. Used to generate a primary/secondary menu from different…
menu_rebuild in includes/
Populate the database representation of the menu.
menu_set_active_item in includes/
Sets the path of the active menu item.
menu_tree in includes/
Returns a rendered menu tree.
_menu_get_active_trail_in_submenu in includes/
Find the active trail through a specific subsection of the menu tree.
_menu_item_is_accessible in includes/
Determine whether the given menu item is accessible to the current user.
_menu_sort in includes/
Comparator routine for use in sorting menu items.