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11 calls to locale_add_language() in Drupal 7

DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatStorage in modules/system/system.test
Test if the date formats are stored properly.
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequestHeaders in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests Content-language headers generated by Drupal.
FieldTranslationsTestCase::setUp in modules/field/tests/field.test
Set the default field storage backend for fields created during tests.
install_import_locales in includes/
Imports languages via a batch process during installation.
LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::setUp in modules/locale/locale.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest::testLanguageDomain in modules/locale/locale.test
Tests url() when separate domains are used for multiple languages.
LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest::testUILanguageNegotiation in modules/locale/locale.test
Tests for language switching by URL path.
LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest::testUrlLanguageFallback in modules/locale/locale.test
Test URL language detection when the requested URL has no language.
LocaleUninstallFunctionalTest::testUninstallProcess in modules/locale/locale.test
Check if the values of the Locale variables are correct after uninstall.
locale_languages_predefined_form_submit in modules/locale/
Process the language addition form submission.
locale_translate_import_form_submit in modules/locale/
Process the locale import form submission.