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 * Return a list of available toolkits.
 * @return An array of toolkit name => descriptive title.
function image_get_available_toolkits() {
  $toolkits = file_scan_directory('includes', 'image\\..*\\.inc$');
  $output = array();
  foreach ($toolkits as $file => $toolkit) {
    include_once "./{$file}";
    $function = str_replace('.', '_', $toolkit->name) . '_info';
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $info = $function();
      $output[$info['name']] = $info['title'];
  $output['gd'] = t('Built-in GD2 toolkit');
  return $output;

 * Retrieve the name of the currently used toolkit.
 * @return String containing the name of the toolkit.
function image_get_toolkit() {
  static $toolkit;
  if (!$toolkit) {
    $toolkit = variable_get('image_toolkit', 'gd');
    $toolkit_file = './includes/image.' . $toolkit . '.inc';
    if ($toolkit != 'gd' && file_exists($toolkit_file)) {
      include_once $toolkit_file;
    elseif (!image_gd_check_settings()) {
      $toolkit = FALSE;
  return $toolkit;

 * Invokes the given method using the currently selected toolkit.
 * @param $method A string containing the method to invoke.
 * @param $params An optional array of parameters to pass to the toolkit method.
 * @return Mixed values (typically Boolean for successful operation).
function image_toolkit_invoke($method, $params = array()) {
  if ($toolkit = image_get_toolkit()) {
    $function = 'image_' . $toolkit . '_' . $method;
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      return call_user_func_array($function, $params);
    else {
      watchdog('php', t("The selected image handling toolkit %toolkit can not correctly process %function.", array(
        '%toolkit' => $toolkit,
        '%function' => $function,
      )), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return FALSE;
  else {
    if ($method == 'settings') {
      return image_gd_settings();

 * Get details about an image.
 * @return array containing information about the image
 *      'width': image's width in pixels
 *      'height': image's height in pixels
 *      'extension': commonly used extension for the image
 *      'mime_type': image's MIME type ('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', etc.)
 *      'file_size': image's physical size (in bytes)
function image_get_info($file) {
  if (!is_file($file)) {
    return FALSE;
  $details = FALSE;
  $data = @getimagesize($file);
  $file_size = @filesize($file);
  if (isset($data) && is_array($data)) {
    $extensions = array(
      '1' => 'gif',
      '2' => 'jpg',
      '3' => 'png',
    $extension = array_key_exists($data[2], $extensions) ? $extensions[$data[2]] : '';
    $details = array(
      'width' => $data[0],
      'height' => $data[1],
      'extension' => $extension,
      'file_size' => $file_size,
      'mime_type' => $data['mime'],
  return $details;

 * Scales an image to the given width and height while maintaining aspect
 * ratio.
 * @param $source         The filepath of the source image
 * @param $destination    The file path of the destination image
 * @param $width          The target width
 * @param $height         The target height
 * @return True or FALSE, based on success
function image_scale($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
  $info = image_get_info($source);

  // don't scale up
  if ($width >= $info['width'] && $height >= $info['height']) {
    return FALSE;
  $aspect = $info['height'] / $info['width'];
  if ($aspect < $height / $width) {
    $width = (int) min($width, $info['width']);
    $height = (int) round($width * $aspect);
  else {
    $height = (int) min($height, $info['height']);
    $width = (int) round($height / $aspect);
  return image_toolkit_invoke('resize', array(

 * Resize an image to the given dimensions (ignoring aspect ratio).
 * @param $source        The filepath of the source image.
 * @param $destination   The file path of the destination image.
 * @param $width         The target width.
 * @param $height        The target height.
function image_resize($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
  return image_toolkit_invoke('resize', array(

 * Rotate an image by the given number of degrees.
 * @param $source  The filepath of the source image
 * @param $destination    The file path of the destination image
 * @param $degrees The number of (clockwise) degrees to rotate the image
function image_rotate($source, $destination, $degrees) {
  return image_toolkit_invoke('rotate', array(

 * Crop an image to the rectangle specified by the given rectangle.
 * @param $source        The filepath of the source image
 * @param $destination   The file path of the destination image
 * @param $x             The top left co-ordinate of the crop area (x axis value)
 * @param $y             The top left co-ordinate of the crop area (y axis value)
 * @param $width         The target width
 * @param $height        The target height
function image_crop($source, $destination, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
  return image_toolkit_invoke('crop', array(

 * GD2 toolkit functions
 * With the minimal requirements of PHP 4.3 for Drupal, we use the built-in version of GD.

 * Retrieve settings for the GD2 toolkit.
function image_gd_settings() {
  if (image_gd_check_settings()) {
    $form = array();
    $form['status'] = array(
      '#value' => t('The built-in GD2 toolkit is installed and working properly.'),
    $form['image_jpeg_quality'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('JPEG quality'),
      '#description' => t('Define the image quality for JPEG manipulations. Ranges from 0 to 100. Higher values mean better image quality but bigger files.'),
      '#size' => 10,
      '#maxlength' => 3,
      '#default_value' => variable_get('image_jpeg_quality', 75),
      '#field_suffix' => t('%'),
    return $form;
  else {
    form_set_error('image_toolkit', t('The built-in GD image toolkit requires that the GD module for PHP be installed and configured properly. For more information see <a href="@url">PHP\'s image documentation</a>.', array(
      '@url' => '',
    return FALSE;

 * Verify GD2 settings (that the right version is actually installed).
 * @return boolean
function image_gd_check_settings() {
  if ($check = get_extension_funcs('gd')) {
    if (in_array('imagegd2', $check)) {

      // GD2 support is available.
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Scale an image to the specified size using GD.
function image_gd_resize($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
  if (!file_exists($source)) {
    return FALSE;
  $info = image_get_info($source);
  if (!$info) {
    return FALSE;
  $im = image_gd_open($source, $info['extension']);
  if (!$im) {
    return FALSE;
  $res = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
  if ($info['extension'] == 'png') {
    $transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha($res, 0, 0, 0, 127);
    imagealphablending($res, FALSE);
    imagefilledrectangle($res, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparency);
    imagealphablending($res, TRUE);
    imagesavealpha($res, TRUE);
  elseif ($info['extension'] == 'gif') {

    // If we have a specific transparent color.
    $transparency_index = imagecolortransparent($im);
    if ($transparency_index >= 0) {

      // Get the original image's transparent color's RGB values.
      $transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($im, $transparency_index);

      // Allocate the same color in the new image resource.
      $transparency_index = imagecolorallocate($res, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);

      // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color.
      imagefill($res, 0, 0, $transparency_index);

      // Set the background color for new image to transparent.
      imagecolortransparent($res, $transparency_index);

      // Find number of colors in the images palette.
      $number_colors = imagecolorstotal($im);

      // Convert from true color to palette to fix transparency issues.
      imagetruecolortopalette($res, TRUE, $number_colors);
  imagecopyresampled($res, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $info['width'], $info['height']);
  $result = image_gd_close($res, $destination, $info['extension']);
  return $result;

 * Rotate an image the given number of degrees.
function image_gd_rotate($source, $destination, $degrees, $bg_color = 0) {
  if (!function_exists('imageRotate')) {
    return FALSE;
  $info = image_get_info($source);
  if (!$info) {
    return FALSE;
  $im = image_gd_open($source, $info['extension']);
  if (!$im) {
    return FALSE;
  $res = imageRotate($im, $degrees, $bg_color);
  $result = image_gd_close($res, $destination, $info['extension']);
  return $result;

 * Crop an image using the GD toolkit.
function image_gd_crop($source, $destination, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
  $info = image_get_info($source);
  if (!$info) {
    return FALSE;
  $im = image_gd_open($source, $info['extension']);
  $res = imageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
  imageCopy($res, $im, 0, 0, $x, $y, $width, $height);
  $result = image_gd_close($res, $destination, $info['extension']);
  return $result;

 * GD helper function to create an image resource from a file.
function image_gd_open($file, $extension) {
  $extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $extension);
  $open_func = 'imageCreateFrom' . $extension;
  if (!function_exists($open_func)) {
    return FALSE;
  return $open_func($file);

 * GD helper to write an image resource to a destination file.
function image_gd_close($res, $destination, $extension) {
  $extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $extension);
  $close_func = 'image' . $extension;
  if (!function_exists($close_func)) {
    return FALSE;
  if ($extension == 'jpeg') {
    return $close_func($res, $destination, variable_get('image_jpeg_quality', 75));
  else {
    return $close_func($res, $destination);


Namesort descending Description
image_crop Crop an image to the rectangle specified by the given rectangle.
image_gd_check_settings Verify GD2 settings (that the right version is actually installed).
image_gd_close GD helper to write an image resource to a destination file.
image_gd_crop Crop an image using the GD toolkit.
image_gd_open GD helper function to create an image resource from a file.
image_gd_resize Scale an image to the specified size using GD.
image_gd_rotate Rotate an image the given number of degrees.
image_gd_settings Retrieve settings for the GD2 toolkit.
image_get_available_toolkits Return a list of available toolkits.
image_get_info Get details about an image.
image_get_toolkit Retrieve the name of the currently used toolkit.
image_resize Resize an image to the given dimensions (ignoring aspect ratio).
image_rotate Rotate an image by the given number of degrees.
image_scale Scales an image to the given width and height while maintaining aspect ratio.
image_toolkit_invoke Invokes the given method using the currently selected toolkit.