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12 calls to file_create_path() in Drupal 5

drupal_build_css_cache in includes/
Aggregate and optimize CSS files, putting them in the files directory.
drupal_clear_css_cache in includes/
Delete all cached CSS files.
file_copy in includes/
Copies a file to a new location. This is a powerful function that in many ways performs like an advanced version of copy().
file_download in includes/
Call modules that implement hook_file_download() to find out if a file is accessible and what headers it should be transferred with. If a module returns -1 drupal_access_denied() will be returned. If one or more modules returned headers the download…
file_transfer in includes/
Transfer file using http to client. Pipes a file through Drupal to the client.
theme_upload_attachments in modules/upload/upload.module
Displays file attachments in table
upload_file_download in modules/upload/upload.module
upload_menu in modules/upload/upload.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
upload_nodeapi in modules/upload/upload.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
user_admin_settings in modules/user/user.module
user_file_download in modules/user/user.module
Implementation of hook_file_download().
_upload_form in modules/upload/upload.module