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9 calls to DatabaseStatementPrefetch::next() in Drupal 7

DatabaseStatementPrefetch::execute in includes/database/
Executes a prepared statement.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetch in includes/database/
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAll in includes/database/
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAllAssoc in includes/database/
Returns the result set as an associative array keyed by the given field.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAllKeyed in includes/database/
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAssoc in includes/database/
Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchCol in includes/database/
Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchColumn in includes/database/
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchObject in includes/database/