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protected function DatabaseStatementPrefetch::getStatement in Drupal 7

Grab a PDOStatement object from a given query and its arguments.

Some drivers (including SQLite) will need to perform some preparation themselves to get the statement right.


$query: The query.

array $args: An array of arguments.

Return value

PDOStatement A PDOStatement object.

1 call to DatabaseStatementPrefetch::getStatement()
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::execute in includes/database/
Executes a prepared statement.
1 method overrides DatabaseStatementPrefetch::getStatement()
DatabaseStatement_sqlite::getStatement in includes/database/sqlite/
SQLite specific implementation of getStatement().


includes/database/, line 225
Database interface code for engines that need complete control over their result sets. For example, SQLite will prefix some column names by the name of the table. We post-process the data, by renaming the column names using the same convention as…


An implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface that prefetches all data.


protected function getStatement($query, &$args = array()) {
  return $this->dbh