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public function InsertQuery_pgsql::execute in Drupal 7

Executes the insert query.

Return value

The last insert ID of the query, if one exists. If the query was given multiple sets of values to insert, the return value is undefined. If no fields are specified, this method will do nothing and return NULL. That makes it safe to use in multi-insert loops.

Overrides InsertQuery::execute


includes/database/pgsql/, line 16
Query code for PostgreSQL embedded database engine.


@file Query code for PostgreSQL embedded database engine.


public function execute() {
  if (!$this
    ->preExecute()) {
    return NULL;
  $stmt = $this->connection
    ->prepareQuery((string) $this);

  // Fetch the list of blobs and sequences used on that table.
  $table_information = $this->connection
  $max_placeholder = 0;
  $blobs = array();
  $blob_count = 0;
  foreach ($this->insertValues as $insert_values) {
    foreach ($this->insertFields as $idx => $field) {
      if (isset($table_information->blob_fields[$field])) {
        $blobs[$blob_count] = fopen('php://memory', 'a');
        fwrite($blobs[$blob_count], $insert_values[$idx]);
          ->bindParam(':db_insert_placeholder_' . $max_placeholder++, $blobs[$blob_count], PDO::PARAM_LOB);

        // Pre-increment is faster in PHP than increment.
      else {
          ->bindParam(':db_insert_placeholder_' . $max_placeholder++, $insert_values[$idx]);

    // Check if values for a serial field has been passed.
    if (!empty($table_information->serial_fields)) {
      foreach ($table_information->serial_fields as $index => $serial_field) {
        $serial_key = array_search($serial_field, $this->insertFields);
        if ($serial_key !== FALSE) {
          $serial_value = $insert_values[$serial_key];

          // Force $last_insert_id to the specified value. This is only done
          // if $index is 0.
          if ($index == 0) {
            $last_insert_id = $serial_value;

          // Set the sequence to the bigger value of either the passed
          // value or the max value of the column. It can happen that another
          // thread calls nextval() which could lead to a serial number being
          // used twice. However, trying to insert a value into a serial
          // column should only be done in very rare cases and is not thread
          // safe by definition.
            ->query("SELECT setval('" . $table_information->sequences[$index] . "', GREATEST(MAX(" . $serial_field . "), :serial_value)) FROM {" . $this->table . "}", array(
            ':serial_value' => (int) $serial_value,
  if (!empty($this->fromQuery)) {

    // bindParam stores only a reference to the variable that is followed when
    // the statement is executed. We pass $arguments[$key] instead of $value
    // because the second argument to bindParam is passed by reference and
    // the foreach statement assigns the element to the existing reference.
    $arguments = $this->fromQuery
    foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
        ->bindParam($key, $arguments[$key]);

  // PostgreSQL requires the table name to be specified explicitly
  // when requesting the last insert ID, so we pass that in via
  // the options array.
  $options = $this->queryOptions;
  if (!empty($table_information->sequences)) {
    $options['sequence_name'] = $table_information->sequences[0];
  elseif ($options['return'] == Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID) {
    $options['return'] = Database::RETURN_NULL;

  // Only use the returned last_insert_id if it is not already set.
  if (!empty($last_insert_id)) {
      ->query($stmt, array(), $options);
  else {
    $last_insert_id = $this->connection
      ->query($stmt, array(), $options);

  // Re-initialize the values array so that we can re-use this query.
  $this->insertValues = array();
  return $last_insert_id;