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14 calls to db_rename_table() in Drupal 7

block_update_7002 in modules/block/block.install
Rename {blocks} table to {block}, {blocks_roles} to {block_role} and {boxes} to {block_custom}.
comment_update_7002 in modules/comment/comment.install
Rename {comments} table to {comment} and upgrade it.
field_sql_storage_field_storage_delete_field in modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module
Implements hook_field_storage_delete_field().
filter_update_7000 in modules/filter/filter.install
Upgrade the {filter_formats} table and rename it to {filter_format}.
filter_update_7003 in modules/filter/filter.install
Upgrade the {filter} table for core filters.
forum_update_7003 in modules/forum/forum.install
Rename field to 'taxonomy_forums'.
hook_field_storage_delete_field in modules/field/field.api.php
Act on deletion of a field.
image_update_7001 in modules/image/image.install
Rename possibly misnamed {image_effect} table to {image_effects}.
node_update_7001 in modules/node/node.install
Rename {node_revisions} table to {node_revision}.
poll_update_7001 in modules/poll/poll.install
Use the poll_choice primary key to record votes in poll_votes rather than the choice order. Rename chorder to weight.
profile_update_7001 in modules/profile/profile.install
Rename {profile_fields} table to {profile_field} and {profile_values} to {profile_value}.
SchemaTestCase::testSchema in modules/simpletest/tests/schema.test
taxonomy_update_7001 in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.install
Rename taxonomy tables.
update_fix_d7_requirements in includes/
Perform Drupal 6.x to 7.x updates that are required for update.php to function properly.