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public function DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchCol in Drupal 7

Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array.

Note that this method will run the result set to the end.


$index: The index of the column number to fetch.

Return value

An indexed array, or an empty array if there is no result set.

3 methods override DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchCol()
DatabaseStatementBase::fetchCol in includes/database/
Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array.
DatabaseStatementEmpty::fetchCol in includes/database/
Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchCol in includes/database/
Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array.


includes/database/, line 2191
Core systems for the database layer.


Represents a prepared statement.


public function fetchCol($index = 0);