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public function DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAllKeyed in Drupal 7

Returns the entire result set as a single associative array.

This method is only useful for two-column result sets. It will return an associative array where the key is one column from the result set and the value is another field. In most cases, the default of the first two columns is appropriate.

Note that this method will run the result set to the end.


$key_index: The numeric index of the field to use as the array key.

$value_index: The numeric index of the field to use as the array value.

Return value

An associative array, or an empty array if there is no result set.

3 methods override DatabaseStatementInterface::fetchAllKeyed()
DatabaseStatementBase::fetchAllKeyed in includes/database/
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array.
DatabaseStatementEmpty::fetchAllKeyed in includes/database/
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array.
DatabaseStatementPrefetch::fetchAllKeyed in includes/database/
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array.


includes/database/, line 2211
Core systems for the database layer.


Represents a prepared statement.


public function fetchAllKeyed($key_index = 0, $value_index = 1);