92 calls to drupal_render() in Drupal 7
- ajax_prepare_response in includes/
ajax.inc - Converts the return value of a page callback into an Ajax commands array.
- authorize.php in ./
authorize.php - Administrative script for running authorized file operations.
- bartik_field__taxonomy_term_reference in themes/
bartik/ template.php - Implements theme_field__field_type().
- book_children in modules/
book/ book.module - Formats the menu links for the child pages of the current page.
- book_node_export in modules/
book/ book.module - Generates printer-friendly HTML for a node.
- comment_node_update_index in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Implements hook_node_update_index().
- comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Unpublishes a comment if it contains certain keywords.
- dashboard_show_block_content in modules/
dashboard/ dashboard.module - Ajax callback: Displays the rendered contents of a specific block.
- DrupalRenderTestCase::assertRenderedElement in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderBasics in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests the output drupal_render() for some elementary input values.
- DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderCache in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests caching of render items.
- DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderChildrenAttached in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test #attached functionality in children elements.
- DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderSorting in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test sorting by weight.
- DrupalRenderTestCase::testDrupalRenderThemeArguments in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test passing arguments to the theme function.
- drupal_get_css in includes/
common.inc - Returns a themed representation of all stylesheets to attach to the page.
- drupal_get_html_head in includes/
common.inc - Retrieves output to be displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page.
- drupal_get_js in includes/
common.inc - Returns a themed presentation of all JavaScript code for the current page.
- drupal_render_children in includes/
common.inc - Renders children of an element and concatenates them.
- drupal_render_page in includes/
common.inc - Renders the page, including all theming.
- FieldAttachOtherTestCase::testFieldAttachView in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test field_attach_view() and field_attach_prepare_view().
- FieldDisplayAPITestCase::testFieldViewField in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test the field_view_field() function.
- FieldDisplayAPITestCase::testFieldViewValue in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test the field_view_value() function.
- FieldUIManageDisplayTestCase::assertNodeViewTextHelper in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Asserts that a string is (not) found in the rendered nodein a view mode.
- file_ajax_upload in modules/
file/ file.module - Menu callback; Shared Ajax callback for file uploads and deletions.
- FormCheckboxTestCase::testFormCheckbox in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - FormsTestCase::testRequiredFields in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Check several empty values for required forms elements.
- hook_search_execute in modules/
search/ search.api.php - Execute a search for a set of key words.
- hook_tokens_alter in modules/
system/ system.api.php - Alter replacement values for placeholder tokens.
- hook_update_index in modules/
search/ search.api.php - Update the search index for this module.
- install_run_task in includes/
install.core.inc - Runs an individual installation task.
- install_select_locale in includes/
install.core.inc - Installation task; select which locale to use for the current profile.
- install_select_profile in includes/
install.core.inc - Selects which profile to install.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testAttachedLibrary in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests the addition of libraries through the #attached['library'] property.
- locale_translate_export_screen in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - User interface for the translation export screen.
- locale_translate_seek_screen in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - String search screen.
- node_feed in modules/
node/ node.module - Generates and prints an RSS feed.
- node_search_execute in modules/
node/ node.module - Implements hook_search_execute().
- node_unpublish_by_keyword_action in modules/
node/ node.module - Unpublishes a node containing certain keywords.
- openid_redirect in modules/
openid/ openid.inc - Creates a js auto-submit redirect for (for the 2.x protocol)
- render in includes/
common.inc - Renders an element.
- RenderElementTypesTestCase::assertElements in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Asserts that an array of elements is rendered properly.
- search_embedded_form_preprocess_search_result in modules/
search/ tests/ search_embedded_form.module - Adds the test form to search results.
- system_themes_page in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
- TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularies in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Tests term reference field and widget with multiple vocabularies.
- TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldWidgets in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test widgets.
- template_preprocess_block_admin_display_form in modules/
block/ block.admin.inc - Processes variables for block-admin-display-form.tpl.php.
- template_preprocess_poll_results in modules/
poll/ poll.module - Preprocess the poll_results theme hook.
- template_preprocess_poll_vote in modules/
poll/ poll.module - Themes the voting form for a poll.
- template_preprocess_search_block_form in modules/
search/ search.module - Process variables for search-block-form.tpl.php.
- template_process_html in includes/
theme.inc - Process variables for html.tpl.php
- TextFieldTestCase::_testTextfieldWidgets in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Helper function for testTextfieldWidgets().
- TextFieldTestCase::_testTextfieldWidgetsFormatted in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Helper function for testTextfieldWidgetsFormatted().
- ThemeDebugMarkupTestCase::testDebugOutput in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Tests debug markup added to template output.
- ThemeLinksTest::testDrupalPreRenderLinks in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Test the use of drupal_pre_render_links() on a nested array of links.
- theme_aggregator_categorize_items in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.pages.inc - Returns HTML for the aggregator page list form for assigning categories.
- theme_book_admin_table in modules/
book/ book.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a book administration form.
- theme_color_scheme_form in modules/
color/ color.module - Returns HTML for a theme's color form.
- theme_exposed_filters in modules/
system/ system.module - Returns HTML for an exposed filter form.
- theme_field in modules/
field/ field.module - Returns HTML for a field.
- theme_field_multiple_value_form in modules/
field/ field.form.inc - Returns HTML for an individual form element.
- theme_field_ui_table in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.admin.inc - Returns HTML for Field UI overview tables.
- theme_file_widget_multiple in modules/
file/ file.field.inc - Returns HTML for a group of file upload widgets.
- theme_filter_admin_format_filter_order in modules/
filter/ filter.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a text format's filter order form.
- theme_filter_admin_overview in modules/
filter/ filter.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the text format administration overview form.
- theme_image_anchor in modules/
image/ image.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a 3x3 grid of checkboxes for image anchors.
- theme_image_style_effects in modules/
image/ image.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a listing of the effects within a specific image style.
- theme_image_widget in modules/
image/ image.field.inc - Returns HTML for an image field widget.
- theme_locale_date_format_form in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a locale date format form.
- theme_locale_languages_configure_form in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a language configuration form.
- theme_locale_languages_overview_form in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the language overview form.
- theme_menu_link in includes/
menu.inc - Returns HTML for a menu link and submenu.
- theme_menu_local_tasks in includes/
menu.inc - Returns HTML for primary and secondary local tasks.
- theme_menu_overview_form in modules/
menu/ menu.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the menu overview form into a table.
- theme_node_preview in modules/
node/ node.pages.inc - Returns HTML for a node preview for display during node creation and editing.
- theme_node_search_admin in modules/
node/ node.module - Returns HTML for the content ranking part of the search settings admin page.
- theme_overlay_disable_message in modules/
overlay/ overlay.module - Returns the HTML for the message about how to disable the overlay.
- theme_poll_choices in modules/
poll/ poll.module - Returns HTML for an admin poll form for choices.
- theme_profile_admin_overview in modules/
profile/ profile.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the profile field overview form into a drag and drop enabled table.
- theme_shortcut_set_customize in modules/
shortcut/ shortcut.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a shortcut set customization form.
- theme_simpletest_test_table in modules/
simpletest/ simpletest.pages.inc - Returns HTML for a test list generated by simpletest_test_form() into a table.
- theme_system_date_time_settings in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the date settings form.
- theme_system_modules_fieldset in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the modules form.
- theme_system_modules_uninstall in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a table of currently disabled modules.
- theme_tableselect in includes/
form.inc - Returns HTML for a table with radio buttons or checkboxes.
- theme_taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.admin.inc - Returns HTML for a terms overview form as a sortable list of terms.
- theme_taxonomy_overview_vocabularies in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the vocabulary overview form as a sortable list of vocabularies.
- theme_user_admin_permissions in modules/
user/ user.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the administer permissions page.
- theme_user_admin_roles in modules/
user/ user.admin.inc - Returns HTML for the role order and new role form.
- update_selection_page in ./
update.php - Renders a form with a list of available database updates.
- UpgradePathTaxonomyTestCase::testTaxonomyUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.taxonomy.test - Basic tests for the taxonomy upgrade.
- _node_index_node in modules/
node/ node.module - Indexes a single node.
- _theme_table_cell in includes/
theme.inc - Returns HTML output for a single table cell for theme_table().