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9 calls to drupal_json_decode() in Drupal 7

DrupalJSONTest::testJSON in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests converting PHP variables to JSON strings and back.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalGetAJAX in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Retrieve a Drupal path or an absolute path and JSON decode the result.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPostAJAX in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Execute an Ajax submission.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalSetContent in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Sets the raw HTML content. This can be useful when a page has been fetched outside of the internal browser and assertions need to be made on the returned page.
FormStateValuesCleanTestCase::testFormStateValuesClean in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Tests form_state_values_clean().
FormsTestCase::testCheckboxProcessing in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Test default value handling for checkboxes.
FormsTestCase::testDisabledElements in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Test handling of disabled elements.
FormsTestCase::testSelect in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Tests validation of #type 'select' elements.
TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermAutocompletion in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Tests term autocompletion edge cases with slashes in the names.