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12 calls to drupal_html_class() in Drupal 7

contextual_pre_render_links in modules/contextual/contextual.module
Build a renderable array for contextual links.
dblog_overview in modules/dblog/
Page callback: Displays a listing of database log messages.
DrupalHTMLIdentifierTestCase::testDrupalHTMLClass in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests that drupal_html_class() cleans the class name properly.
drupal_region_class in includes/
Provides a standard HTML class name that identifies a page region.
field_default_form in modules/field/
Creates a form element for a field and can populate it with a default value.
field_ui_table_pre_render in modules/field_ui/
Pre-render callback for field_ui_table elements.
template_preprocess in includes/
Adds a default set of helper variables for variable processors and templates.
template_preprocess_block in modules/block/block.module
Processes variables for block.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_html in includes/
Preprocess variables for html.tpl.php
template_preprocess_node in modules/node/node.module
Processes variables for node.tpl.php
theme_field_ui_table in modules/field_ui/
Returns HTML for Field UI overview tables.
theme_filter_tips in modules/filter/
Returns HTML for a set of filter tips.