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14 calls to drupal_get_token() in Drupal 7

aggregator_view in modules/aggregator/
Displays the aggregator administration page.
comment_links in modules/comment/comment.module
Helper function, build links for an individual comment.
dashboard_admin in modules/dashboard/dashboard.module
Page callback: Displays the dashboard.
drupal_prepare_form in includes/
Prepares a structured form array.
drupal_process_form in includes/
Processes a form submission.
drupal_theme_initialize in includes/
Initializes the theme system by loading the theme.
drupal_valid_token in includes/
Validates a token based on $value, the user session, and the private key.
form_set_cache in includes/
Stores a form in the cache.
overlay_disable_message in modules/overlay/overlay.module
Returns a renderable array representing a message for disabling the overlay.
shortcut_preprocess_page in modules/shortcut/shortcut.module
Implements hook_preprocess_page().
SystemValidTokenTest::testTokenValidation in modules/system/system.test
Tests invalid invocations of drupal_valid_token() that must return FALSE.
system_configure_date_formats_form in modules/system/
Allow users to add additional date formats.
system_themes_page in modules/system/
Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
update_info_page in ./update.php
Provides an overview of the Drupal database update.