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10 calls to drupal_get_destination() in Drupal 5

comment_admin_overview in modules/comment/comment.module
node_admin_nodes in modules/node/node.module
node_page_edit in modules/node/node.module
Menu callback; presents the node editing form, or redirects to delete confirmation.
path_overview in modules/path/path.module
Return a listing of all defined URL aliases.
statistics_top_visitors in modules/statistics/statistics.module
Menu callback; presents the "top visitors" page.
taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Display a tree of all the terms in a vocabulary, with options to edit each one.
theme_forum_display in modules/forum/forum.module
Format the forum body.
user_admin_account in modules/user/user.module
user_edit in modules/user/user.module
user_login_block in modules/user/user.module