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21 calls to base_path() in Drupal 5

chameleon_page in themes/chameleon/chameleon.theme
db_connect in includes/
Initialise a database connection.
db_connect in includes/
Initialize a database connection.
db_connect in includes/
Initialize a database connection.
drupal_build_css_cache in includes/
Aggregate and optimize CSS files, putting them in the files directory.
drupal_get_css in includes/
Returns a themed representation of all stylesheets that should be attached to the page. It loads the CSS in order, with 'core' CSS first, then 'module' CSS, then 'theme' CSS files. This ensures proper cascading of styles…
drupal_get_js in includes/
Returns a themed presentation of all JavaScript code for the current page. References to JavaScript files are placed in a certain order: first, all 'core' files, then all 'module' and finally all 'theme' JavaScript…
page.tpl.php in themes/garland/page.tpl.php
phptemplate_page in themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine
Prepare the values passed to the theme_page function to be passed into a pluggable template engine. Uses the arg() function to generate a series of page template files suggestions based on the current path. If none are found, the default page.tpl.php…
search_index in modules/search/search.module
Update the full-text search index for a particular item.
system_clean_url_settings in modules/system/system.module
system_requirements in modules/system/system.install
Test and report Drupal installation requirements.
theme_color_scheme_form in modules/color/color.module
Theme color form.
theme_get_setting in includes/
Retrieve a setting for the current theme. This function is designed for use from within themes & engines to determine theme settings made in the admin interface.
theme_image in includes/
Return a themed image.
theme_install_page in includes/
theme_maintenance_page in includes/
update_finished_page in ./update.php
url in includes/
Generate a URL from a Drupal menu path. Will also pass-through existing URLs.
_color_page_alter in modules/color/color.module
Callback for the theme to alter the resources used.
_update_178_url_fix in modules/system/system.install