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13 calls to request_uri() in Drupal 7

DBLogTestCase::generateLogEntries in modules/dblog/dblog.test
Generates a number of random database log events.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLogAddAndClear in modules/dblog/dblog.test
Tests the addition and clearing of log events through the admin interface.
DBLogTestCase::testDBLogException in modules/dblog/dblog.test
Verifies that exceptions are caught in dblog_watchdog().
drupal_deliver_html_page in includes/
Packages and sends the result of a page callback to the browser as HTML.
drupal_fast_404 in includes/
Returns a simple 404 Not Found page.
drupal_page_get_cache in includes/
Retrieves the current page from the cache.
drupal_page_set_cache in includes/
Stores the current page in the cache.
drupal_render_cid_parts in includes/
Returns cache ID parts for building a cache ID.
openid_verify_assertion_return_url in modules/openid/openid.module
Verify that openid.return_to matches the current URL.
system_clean_url_settings in modules/system/
Form builder; Configure clean URL settings.
system_element_info in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_element_info().
watchdog in includes/
Logs a system message.
watchdog_skip_semaphore in modules/simpletest/tests/actions_loop_test.module
Replacement of the watchdog() function that eliminates the use of semaphores so that we can test the abortion of an action loop.