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17 calls to language_default() in Drupal 6

contact_mail_page_submit in modules/contact/
Process the site-wide contact page form submission.
drupal_init_language in includes/
Choose a language for the current page, based on site and user preferences.
language_initialize in includes/
Choose a language for the page, based on language negotiation settings.
language_list in includes/
Get a list of languages set up indexed by the specified key
language_url_rewrite in includes/
Rewrite URL's with language based prefix. Parameters are the same as those of the url() function.
locale_form_alter in modules/locale/locale.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Adds language fields to forms.
locale_languages_delete_form in includes/
User interface for the language deletion confirmation screen.
locale_languages_edit_form_submit in includes/
Process the language editing form submission.
locale_languages_edit_form_validate in includes/
Validate the language editing form. Reused for custom language addition too.
locale_languages_overview_form in includes/
User interface for the language overview screen.
locale_languages_overview_form_submit in includes/
Process language overview form submissions, updating existing languages.
locale_translate_edit_form in includes/
User interface for string editing.
theme_locale_languages_overview_form in includes/
Theme the language overview form.
user_preferred_language in modules/user/user.module
Get the language object preferred by the user. This user preference can be set on the user account editing page, and is only available if there are more than one languages enabled on the site. If the user did not choose a preferred language, or is the…
_locale_rebuild_js in includes/
(Re-)Creates the JavaScript translation file for a language.
_update_cron_notify in modules/update/
Perform any notifications that should be done once cron fetches new data.
_user_mail_notify in modules/user/user.module
Conditionally create and send a notification email when a certain operation happens on the given user account.