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31 calls to arg() in Drupal 7

aggregator_form_category_submit in modules/aggregator/
Form submission handler for aggregator_form_category().
aggregator_form_feed_submit in modules/aggregator/
Form submission handler for aggregator_form_feed().
aggregator_page_category in modules/aggregator/
Page callback: Displays all the items aggregated in a particular category.
aggregator_page_last in modules/aggregator/
Page callback: Displays the most recent items gathered from any feed.
aggregator_page_rss in modules/aggregator/
Page callback: Generates an RSS 0.92 feed of aggregator items or categories.
aggregator_page_source in modules/aggregator/
Page callback: Displays all the items captured from the particular feed.
blog_node_view in modules/blog/blog.module
Implements hook_node_view().
dblog_init in modules/dblog/dblog.module
Implements hook_init().
form_test_clicked_button in modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module
Form builder to test button click detection.
forum_form_node_form_alter in modules/forum/forum.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for node_form().
menu_get_active_help in includes/
Returns the help associated with the active menu item.
menu_get_item in includes/
Gets a router item.
node_block_list_alter in modules/node/node.module
Implements hook_block_list_alter().
openid_test_yadis_xrds in modules/openid/tests/openid_test.module
Menu callback; XRDS document that references the OP Endpoint URL.
openid_user_add_submit in modules/openid/
profile_block_view in modules/profile/profile.module
Implements hook_block_view().
profile_field_form in modules/profile/
Menu callback: Generate a form to add/edit a user profile field.
statistics_exit in modules/statistics/statistics.module
Implements hook_exit().
statistics_node_tracker in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays statistics for a node.
statistics_user_tracker in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays statistics for a user.
template_preprocess_html in includes/
Preprocess variables for html.tpl.php
template_preprocess_page in includes/
Preprocess variables for page.tpl.php
template_preprocess_profile_wrapper in modules/profile/profile.module
Process variables for profile-wrapper.tpl.php.
theme_test_exit in modules/simpletest/tests/theme_test.module
Implements hook_exit().
theme_test_init in modules/simpletest/tests/theme_test.module
Implements hook_init().
update_init in modules/update/update.module
Implements hook_init().
user_block_view in modules/user/user.module
Implements hook_block_view().
user_form_test_form_user_pass_reset_alter in modules/user/tests/user_form_test.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
user_form_test_form_user_pass_reset_submit in modules/user/tests/user_form_test.module
Submit function for user_pass_reset().
user_pass_reset in modules/user/
Menu callback; process one time login link and redirects to the user page on success.
_trigger_normalize_user_context in modules/trigger/trigger.module
Loads associated objects for user triggers.