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Functions in Drupal 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
book_node_load modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_load().
book_node_prepare modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_prepare().
book_node_presave modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_presave().
book_node_type_update modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_type_update().
book_node_update modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_update().
book_node_view modules/book/book.module Implements hook_node_view().
book_node_view_link modules/book/book.module Adds relevant book links to the node's links. 1
book_outline modules/book/ Menu callback: Shows the outline form for a single node. 1
book_outline_form modules/book/ Form constructor for the book outline form. 1
book_outline_form_submit modules/book/ Form submission handler for book_outline_form().
book_page_alter modules/book/book.module Implements hook_page_alter().
book_permission modules/book/book.module Implements hook_permission().
book_pick_book_nojs_submit modules/book/book.module Form submission handler for node_form(). 1
book_prev modules/book/book.module Fetches the menu link for the previous page of the book. 1
book_remove_button_submit modules/book/ Form submission handler for book_outline_form(). 1
book_remove_form modules/book/ Form constructor to confirm removal of a node from a book. 1
book_remove_form_submit modules/book/ Form submission handler for book_remove_form().
book_render modules/book/ Menu callback: Prints a listing of all books. 1
book_schema modules/book/book.install Implements hook_schema().
book_theme modules/book/book.module Implements hook_theme().
book_toc modules/book/book.module Returns an array of book pages in table of contents order. 1
book_type_is_allowed modules/book/book.module Determine if a given node type is in the list of types allowed for books. 1
book_uninstall modules/book/book.install Implements hook_uninstall().
book_update_bid modules/book/book.module Updates the book ID of a page and its children when it moves to a new book. 1
bootstrap_hooks includes/ Defines the critical hooks that force modules to always be loaded. 1
bootstrap_invoke_all includes/ Invokes a bootstrap hook in all bootstrap modules that implement it. 3
boot_test_1_boot modules/simpletest/tests/boot_test_1.module Implements hook_boot().
boot_test_2_help modules/simpletest/tests/boot_test_2.module Implements hook_help().
cache_clear_all includes/ Expires data from the cache. 80 2
cache_get includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache. 54 1
cache_get_multiple includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs. 3
cache_is_empty includes/ Checks if a cache bin is empty. 1
cache_set includes/ Stores data in the persistent cache. 51
callback_batch_finished modules/system/form.api.php Complete a batch process.
callback_batch_operation modules/system/form.api.php Perform a single batch operation.
callback_entity_info_label modules/system/system.api.php Return the label of an entity.
callback_entity_info_language modules/system/system.api.php Return the language code of the entity.
callback_entity_info_uri modules/system/system.api.php Return the URI for an entity.
callback_filter_prepare modules/filter/filter.api.php Provide prepared text with special characters escaped.
callback_filter_process modules/filter/filter.api.php Provide text filtered to conform to the supplied format.
callback_filter_settings modules/filter/filter.api.php Provide a settings form for filter settings.
callback_filter_tips modules/filter/filter.api.php Return help text for a filter.
callback_queue_worker modules/system/system.api.php Work on a single queue item.
callback_search_conditions modules/search/search.api.php Provide search query conditions. 1
check_markup modules/filter/filter.module Runs all the enabled filters on a piece of text. 15
check_plain includes/ Encodes special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML. 188 10
check_url includes/ Strips dangerous protocols from a URI and encodes it for output to HTML. 17
color_form_system_themes_alter modules/color/color.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
color_form_system_theme_settings_alter modules/color/color.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
color_get_info modules/color/color.module Retrieves the Color module information for a particular theme. 3


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