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Functions in Drupal 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
color_requirements modules/color/color.install
color_scheme_form modules/color/color.module Form callback. Returns the configuration form. 1 1
color_scheme_form_submit modules/color/color.module Submit handler for color change form. 1
color_scheme_form_validate modules/color/color.module Validation handler for color change form. 1
color_theme modules/color/color.module Implementation of hook_theme().
color_update_6001 modules/color/color.install Warn site administrator if unsafe CSS color codes are found in the database.
comment_access modules/comment/comment.module This is *not* a hook_access() implementation. This function is called to determine whether the current user has access to a particular comment. 2
comment_action_info modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_action_info().
comment_admin modules/comment/ Menu callback; present an administrative comment listing. 1
comment_admin_overview modules/comment/ Form builder; Builds the comment overview form for the admin. 1
comment_admin_overview_submit modules/comment/ Process comment_admin_overview form submissions.
comment_admin_overview_validate modules/comment/ Validate comment_admin_overview form submissions.
comment_block modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_block().
comment_confirm_delete modules/comment/ Form builder; Builds the confirmation form for deleting a single comment. 1
comment_confirm_delete_submit modules/comment/ Process comment_confirm_delete form submissions.
comment_controls modules/comment/comment.module Build a comment control form. 2
comment_controls_submit modules/comment/comment.module Process comment_controls form submissions.
comment_delete modules/comment/ Menu callback; delete a comment. 1
comment_edit modules/comment/ Form builder; generate a comment editing form. 1
comment_enable modules/comment/comment.install Implementation of hook_enable().
comment_form modules/comment/comment.module Generate the basic commenting form, for appending to a node or display on a separate page. 1
comment_form_add_preview modules/comment/comment.module Form builder; Generate and validate a comment preview form. 1
comment_form_alter modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
comment_form_box modules/comment/comment.module Theme the comment form box. 3
comment_form_submit modules/comment/comment.module Process comment form submissions; prepare the comment, store it, and set a redirection target.
comment_form_validate modules/comment/comment.module Validate comment form submissions.
comment_get_recent modules/comment/comment.module Find a number of recent comments. This is done in two steps. 1. Find the n (specified by $number) nodes that have the most recent comments. This is done by querying node_comment_statistics which has an index on last_comment_timestamp, and is thus a… 1
comment_help modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_help().
comment_hook_info modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_hook_info().
comment_invoke_comment modules/comment/comment.module Invoke a hook_comment() operation in all modules. 5
comment_link modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_link().
comment_links modules/comment/comment.module Build command links for a comment (e.g.\ edit, reply, delete) with respect to the current user's access permissions. 1
comment_menu modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_menu().
comment_multiple_delete_confirm modules/comment/ List the selected comments and verify that the admin really wants to delete them. 1
comment_multiple_delete_confirm_submit modules/comment/ Process comment_multiple_delete_confirm form submissions.
comment_new_page_count modules/comment/comment.module Calculate page number for first new comment. 4
comment_nodeapi modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). 1
comment_node_type modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_node_type().
comment_node_url modules/comment/comment.module A simple helper function. 2
comment_num_all modules/comment/comment.module Get comment count for a node. 1
comment_num_new modules/comment/comment.module Get number of new comments for current user and specified node. 3
comment_num_replies modules/comment/comment.module Get replies count for a comment. 1
comment_operations modules/comment/comment.module Comment operations. We offer different update operations depending on which comment administration page we're on. 2
comment_perm modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_perm().
comment_publish_action modules/comment/comment.module Action to publish a comment.
comment_render modules/comment/comment.module Renders comment(s). 1 1
comment_reply modules/comment/ This function is responsible for generating a comment reply form. There are several cases that have to be handled, including: 1
comment_save modules/comment/comment.module Accepts a submission of new or changed comment content. 1
comment_schema modules/comment/comment.install Implementation of hook_schema().
comment_theme modules/comment/comment.module Implementation of hook_theme().


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