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public function UrlRewritingTest::testShippedFileURL in Drupal 8

Tests the rewriting of shipped file URLs by hook_file_url_alter().


core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/File/UrlRewritingTest.php, line 24


Tests for file URL rewriting.




public function testShippedFileURL() {

  // Test generating a URL to a shipped file (i.e. a file that is part of
  // Drupal core, a module or a theme, for example a JavaScript file).
  // Test alteration of file URLs to use a CDN.
    ->set('file_test.hook_file_url_alter', 'cdn');
  $filepath = 'core/assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath);
    ->assertEqual(FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_1 . '/' . $filepath, $url, 'Correctly generated a CDN URL for a shipped file.');
  $filepath = 'core/misc/favicon.ico';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath);
    ->assertEqual(FILE_URL_TEST_CDN_2 . '/' . $filepath, $url, 'Correctly generated a CDN URL for a shipped file.');

  // Test alteration of file URLs to use root-relative URLs.
    ->set('file_test.hook_file_url_alter', 'root-relative');
  $filepath = 'core/assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath);
    ->assertEqual(base_path() . '/' . $filepath, $url, 'Correctly generated a root-relative URL for a shipped file.');
  $filepath = 'core/misc/favicon.ico';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath);
    ->assertEqual(base_path() . '/' . $filepath, $url, 'Correctly generated a root-relative URL for a shipped file.');

  // Test alteration of file URLs to use protocol-relative URLs.
    ->set('file_test.hook_file_url_alter', 'protocol-relative');
  $filepath = 'core/assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath);
    ->assertEqual('/' . base_path() . '/' . $filepath, $url, 'Correctly generated a protocol-relative URL for a shipped file.');
  $filepath = 'core/misc/favicon.ico';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath);
    ->assertEqual('/' . base_path() . '/' . $filepath, $url, 'Correctly generated a protocol-relative URL for a shipped file.');

  // Test alteration of file URLs with query strings and/or fragment.
  $filepath = 'core/misc/favicon.ico';
  $url = file_create_url($filepath . '?foo');
    ->assertEqual($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . $filepath . '?foo=', $url, 'Correctly generated URL. The query string is present.');
  $url = file_create_url($filepath . '?foo=bar');
    ->assertEqual($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . $filepath . '?foo=bar', $url, 'Correctly generated URL. The query string is present.');
  $url = file_create_url($filepath . '#v1.2');
    ->assertEqual($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . $filepath . '#v1.2', $url, 'Correctly generated URL. The fragment is present.');
  $url = file_create_url($filepath . '?foo=bar#v1.2');
    ->assertEqual($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . $filepath . '?foo=bar#v1.2', $url, 'Correctly generated URL. The query string amd fragment is present.');