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PharWrapperTest.php in Drupal 8

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  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/File/PharWrapperTest.php


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namespace Drupal\KernelTests\Core\File;

use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Tests that the phar stream wrapper works.
 * @group File
class PharWrapperTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * Tests that only valid phar files can be used.
  public function testPharFile() {
    $base = $this
      ->getDrupalRoot() . '/core/tests/fixtures/files';

    // Ensure that file operations via the phar:// stream wrapper work for phar
    // files with the .phar extension.
    $file_contents = file_get_contents("phar://{$base}/phar-1.phar/index.php");
    $expected_hash = 'c7e7904ea573c5ebea3ef00bb08c1f86af1a45961fbfbeb1892ff4a98fd73ad5';
      ->assertSame($expected_hash, hash('sha256', $file_contents));

    // Ensure that file operations via the phar:// stream wrapper throw an
    // exception for files without the .phar extension.



Namesort descending Description
PharWrapperTest Tests that the phar stream wrapper works.