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public function EntityTranslationTest::testTranslationStatus in Drupal 9

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  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntityTranslationTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Entity\EntityTranslationTest::testTranslationStatus()

Tests the getTranslationStatus method.


core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntityTranslationTest.php, line 926


Tests entity translation functionality.




public function testTranslationStatus() {
  $entity_type = 'entity_test_mul';
  $storage = $this->entityTypeManager

  // Create an entity with both translatable and untranslatable test fields.
  $values = [
    'name' => $this
    'translatable_test_field' => $this
    'untranslatable_test_field' => $this

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface|\Drupal\Core\TypedData\TranslationStatusInterface $entity */

  // Test that newly created entity has the translation status
  $entity = $storage
    ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_CREATED, $entity

  // Test that after saving a newly created entity it has the translation
    ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING, $entity

  // Test that after loading an existing entity it has the translation status
  $entity = $storage
    ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING, $entity
  foreach ($this->langcodes as $key => $langcode) {

    // Test that after adding a new translation it has the translation status
      ->addTranslation($langcode, $values);
      ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_CREATED, $entity

    // Test that after removing a newly added and not yet saved translation
    // it does not have any translation status for the removed translation.
      ->assertEquals(NULL, $entity

    // Test that after adding a new translation and saving the entity it has
    // the translation status TRANSLATION_EXISTING.
      ->addTranslation($langcode, $values)
      ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING, $entity

    // Test that after removing an existing translation its translation
    // status has changed to TRANSLATION_REMOVED.
      ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_REMOVED, $entity

    // Test that after removing an existing translation and adding it again
    // its translation status has changed back to TRANSLATION_EXISTING.
      ->addTranslation($langcode, $values);
      ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING, $entity

    // Test that after removing an existing translation and saving the entity
    // it does not have any translation status for the removed translation.
      ->assertEquals(NULL, $entity

    // Tests that after removing an existing translation, saving the entity,
    // adding the translation again, the translation status of this
    // translation is TRANSLATION_CREATED.
      ->addTranslation($langcode, $values);
      ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_CREATED, $entity

  // Test that after loading an existing entity it has the translation status
  // TRANSLATION_EXISTING for all of its translations.
  $entity = $storage
  foreach (array_keys($entity
    ->getTranslationLanguages()) as $langcode) {
      ->assertEquals(TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING, $entity