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public function EntitySchemaTest::testEntitySchemaUpdate in Drupal 8

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  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntitySchemaTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Entity\EntitySchemaTest::testEntitySchemaUpdate()

Tests that entity schema responds to changes in the entity type definition.


core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Entity/EntitySchemaTest.php, line 87


Tests the default entity storage schema handler.




public function testEntitySchemaUpdate() {
  $storage_definitions = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
  $schema_handler = $this->database
  $tables = [
  $dedicated_tables = [

  // Initially only the base table and the dedicated field data table should
  // exist.
  foreach ($tables as $index => $table) {
      ->tableExists($table), !$index, new FormattableMarkup('Entity schema correct for the @table table.', [
      '@table' => $table,
    ->tableExists($dedicated_tables[0]), new FormattableMarkup('Field schema correct for the @table table.', [
    '@table' => $table,

  // Update the entity type definition and check that the entity schema now
  // supports translations and revisions.
  foreach ($tables as $table) {
      ->tableExists($table), new FormattableMarkup('Entity schema correct for the @table table.', [
      '@table' => $table,
  foreach ($dedicated_tables as $table) {
      ->tableExists($table), new FormattableMarkup('Field schema correct for the @table table.', [
      '@table' => $table,

  // Revert changes and check that the entity schema now does not support
  // neither translations nor revisions.
  foreach ($tables as $index => $table) {
      ->tableExists($table), !$index, new FormattableMarkup('Entity schema correct for the @table table.', [
      '@table' => $table,
    ->tableExists($dedicated_tables[0]), new FormattableMarkup('Field schema correct for the @table table.', [
    '@table' => $table,