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public function ConfigSchemaTest::testSchemaData in Drupal 8

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  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigSchemaTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Config\ConfigSchemaTest::testSchemaData()

Tests metadata applied to configuration objects.


core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigSchemaTest.php, line 315


Tests schema for configuration objects.




public function testSchemaData() {

  // Try a simple property.
  $meta = \Drupal::service('config.typed')
  $property = $meta
    ->assertInstanceOf(StringInterface::class, $property);
    ->getValue(), '/user/login', 'Got the right value for page.front data.');
  $definition = $property
    ->assertTrue(empty($definition['translatable']), 'Got the right translatability setting for page.front data.');

  // Check nested array of properties.
  $list = $meta
    ->assertCount(3, $list, 'Got a list with the right number of properties for site page data');
    ->assertTrue(isset($list['front']) && isset($list['403']) && isset($list['404']), 'Got a list with the right properties for site page data.');
    ->getValue(), '/user/login', 'Got the right value for page.front data from the list.');

  // And test some TypedConfigInterface methods.
  $properties = $list;
    ->assertCount(3, $properties, 'Got the right number of properties for site page.');
    ->assertSame($list['front'], $properties['front']);
  $values = $meta
    ->assertCount(3, $values, 'Got the right number of property values for site page.');
    ->assertSame($values['front'], '/user/login');

  // Now let's try something more complex, with nested objects.
  $wrapper = \Drupal::service('config.typed')
  $effects = $wrapper
    ->assertCount(1, $effects
    ->toArray(), 'Got an array with effects for data');
  $uuid = key($effects
  $effect = $effects
    ->isEmpty() && $effect['id']
    ->getValue() == 'image_scale', 'Got data for the image scale effect from metadata.');
    ->assertInstanceOf(IntegerInterface::class, $effect['data']
    ->getValue(), 480, 'Got the right value for the scale effect width.');