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public function ConfigDependencyTest::testConfigEntityUninstallComplex in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigDependencyTest.php \Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Config\ConfigDependencyTest::testConfigEntityUninstallComplex()

Tests complex configuration entity dependency handling during uninstall.

Configuration entities can be deleted or updated during module uninstall because they have dependencies on the module.

@dataProvider providerConfigEntityUninstallComplex


array $entity_id_suffixes: The suffixes to add to the 4 entities created by the test.


core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Config/ConfigDependencyTest.php, line 251


Tests for configuration dependencies.




public function testConfigEntityUninstallComplex(array $entity_id_suffixes) {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManagerInterface $config_manager */
  $config_manager = \Drupal::service('config.manager');

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage $storage */
  $storage = $this->container

  // Entity 1 will be deleted because it depends on node.
  $entity_1 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity_' . $entity_id_suffixes[0],
    'dependencies' => [
      'enforced' => [
        'module' => [

  // Entity 2 has a dependency on entity 1 but it can be fixed because
  // \Drupal\config_test\Entity::onDependencyRemoval() will remove the
  // dependency before config entities are deleted.
  $entity_2 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity_' . $entity_id_suffixes[1],
    'dependencies' => [
      'enforced' => [
        'config' => [

  // Entity 3 will be unchanged because it is dependent on entity 2 which can
  // be fixed. The ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() method will
  // not be called for this entity.
  $entity_3 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity_' . $entity_id_suffixes[2],
    'dependencies' => [
      'enforced' => [
        'config' => [

  // Entity 4's config dependency will be fixed but it will still be deleted
  // because it also depends on the node module.
  $entity_4 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity_' . $entity_id_suffixes[3],
    'dependencies' => [
      'enforced' => [
        'config' => [
        'module' => [

  // Entity 5 will be fixed because it is dependent on entity 3, which is
  // unchanged, and entity 1 which will be fixed because
  // \Drupal\config_test\Entity::onDependencyRemoval() will remove the
  // dependency.
  $entity_5 = $storage
    'id' => 'entity_' . $entity_id_suffixes[4],
    'dependencies' => [
      'enforced' => [
        'config' => [

  // Set a more complicated test where dependencies will be fixed.
    ->set('config_test.fix_dependencies', [
    ->set('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);

  // Do a dry run using
  // \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManager::getConfigEntitiesToChangeOnDependencyRemoval().
  $config_entities = $config_manager
    ->getConfigEntitiesToChangeOnDependencyRemoval('module', [

  // Assert that \Drupal\config_test\Entity\ConfigTest::onDependencyRemoval()
  // is called as expected and with the correct dependencies.
  $called = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('config_test.on_dependency_removal_called', []);
    ->id(), $called, 'ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() is not called for entity 3.');
  ], array_keys($called), 'The most dependent entities have ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval() called first.');
    'config' => [],
    'content' => [],
    'module' => [
    'theme' => [],
  ], $called[$entity_1
    'config' => [
    'content' => [],
    'module' => [],
    'theme' => [],
  ], $called[$entity_2
    'config' => [
    'content' => [],
    'module' => [
    'theme' => [],
  ], $called[$entity_4
    'config' => [
    'content' => [],
    'module' => [],
    'theme' => [],
  ], $called[$entity_5
    ->uuid(), $config_entities['delete'][1]
    ->uuid(), 'Entity 1 will be deleted.');
    ->uuid(), $config_entities['update'][0]
    ->uuid(), 'Entity 2 will be updated.');
    ->uuid(), reset($config_entities['unchanged'])
    ->uuid(), 'Entity 3 is not changed.');
    ->uuid(), $config_entities['delete'][0]
    ->uuid(), 'Entity 4 will be deleted.');
    ->uuid(), $config_entities['update'][1]
    ->uuid(), 'Entity 5 is updated.');

  // Perform the uninstall.
    ->uninstall('module', 'node');

  // Test that expected actions have been performed.
    ->id()), 'Entity 1 deleted');
  $entity_2 = $storage
    ->assertNotEmpty($entity_2, 'Entity 2 not deleted');
    ->assertEquals([], $entity_2
    ->getDependencies()['config'], 'Entity 2 dependencies updated to remove dependency on entity 1.');
  $entity_3 = $storage
    ->assertNotEmpty($entity_3, 'Entity 3 not deleted');
  ], $entity_3
    ->getDependencies()['config'], 'Entity 3 still depends on entity 2.');
    ->id()), 'Entity 4 deleted');