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ComposerProjectTemplatesTest.php in Drupal 9


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namespace Drupal\BuildTests\Composer\Template;

use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
use Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase;
use Drupal\Composer\Composer;

 * Demonstrate that Composer project templates are buildable as patched.
 * We have to use the packages.json fixture so that Composer will use the
 * in-codebase version of the project template.
 * We also have to add path repositories to the in-codebase project template or
 * else Composer will try to use packagist to resolve dependencies we'd prefer
 * it to find locally.
 * This is because Composer only uses the packages.json file to resolve the
 * project template and not any other dependencies.
 * @group #slow
 * @group Template
 * @requires externalCommand composer
class ComposerProjectTemplatesTest extends BuildTestBase {

   * The minimum stability requirement for dependencies.
   * @see
  protected const MINIMUM_STABILITY = 'stable';

   * The order of stability strings from least stable to most stable.
   * This only includes normalized stability strings: i.e., ones that are
   * returned by \Composer\Semver\VersionParser::parseStability().
  protected const STABILITY_ORDER = [

   * Get Composer items that we want to be path repos, from within a directory.
   * @param string $workspace_directory
   *   The full path to the workspace directory.
   * @param string $subdir
   *   The subdirectory to search under composer/.
   * @return string[]
   *   Array of paths, indexed by package name.
  public function getPathReposForType($workspace_directory, $subdir) {

    // Find the Composer items that we want to be path repos.

    /** @var \SplFileInfo[] $path_repos */
    $path_repos = Composer::composerSubprojectPaths($workspace_directory, $subdir);
    $data = [];
    foreach ($path_repos as $path_repo) {
      $json_file = new JsonFile($path_repo
      $json = $json_file
      $data[$json['name']] = $path_repo
    return $data;
  public function provideTemplateCreateProject() {
    return [
      'recommended-project' => [
      'legacy-project' => [

   * Make sure that static::MINIMUM_STABILITY is sufficiently strict.
  public function testMinimumStabilityStrictness() {

    // Ensure that static::MINIMUM_STABILITY is not less stable than the
    // current core stability. For example, if we've already released a beta on
    // the branch, ensure that we no longer allow alpha dependencies.
      ->getCoreStability(), static::STABILITY_ORDER), array_search(static::MINIMUM_STABILITY, static::STABILITY_ORDER));

    // Ensure that static::MINIMUM_STABILITY is the same as the least stable
    // dependency.
    // - We can't set it stricter than our least stable dependency.
    // - We don't want to set it looser than we need to, because we don't want
    //   to in the future accidentally commit a dependency that regresses our
    //   actual stability requirement without us explicitly changing this
    //   constant.
      ->getLowestDependencyStability(), static::MINIMUM_STABILITY);

   * Make sure we've accounted for all the templates.
  public function testVerifyTemplateTestProviderIsAccurate() {
    $root = $this
    $data = $this

    // Find all the templates.
    $template_files = Composer::composerSubprojectPaths($root, 'Template');
      ->assertSameSize($template_files, $data);

    // We could have the same number of templates but different names.
    $template_data = [];
    foreach ($data as $data_name => $data_value) {
      $template_data[$data_value[0]] = $data_name;

    /** @var \SplFileInfo $file */
    foreach ($template_files as $file) {
      $json_file = new JsonFile($file
      $json = $json_file
        ->assertArrayHasKey('name', $json);

      // Assert that the template name is in the project created
      // from the template.
        ->assertArrayHasKey($json['name'], $template_data);

   * @dataProvider provideTemplateCreateProject
  public function testTemplateCreateProject($project, $package_dir, $docroot_dir) {

    // Make a working COMPOSER_HOME directory for setting global composer config
    $composer_home = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/composer-home';

    // Create an empty global composer.json file, just to avoid warnings.
    file_put_contents("{$composer_home}/composer.json", '{}');

    // Disable packagist globally (but only in our own custom COMPOSER_HOME).
    // It is necessary to do this globally rather than in our SUT composer.json
    // in order to ensure that Packagist is disabled during the
    // `composer create-project` command.
      ->executeCommand("COMPOSER_HOME={$composer_home} composer config --no-interaction --global repo.packagist false");

    // Create a "Composer"-type repository containing one entry for every
    // package in the vendor directory.
    $vendor_packages_path = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/vendor_packages/packages.json';

    // Make a copy of the code to alter in the workspace directory.

    // Tests are typically run on "-dev" versions, but we want to simulate
    // running them on a tagged release at the same stability as specified in
    // static::MINIMUM_STABILITY, in order to verify that everything will work
    // if/when we make such a release.
    $simulated_core_version = \Drupal::VERSION;
    $simulated_core_version_suffix = static::MINIMUM_STABILITY === 'stable' ? '' : '-' . static::MINIMUM_STABILITY . '99';
    $simulated_core_version = str_replace('-dev', $simulated_core_version_suffix, $simulated_core_version);
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory(), $simulated_core_version);
      ->assertDrupalVersion($simulated_core_version, $this

    // Remove the entry (and any other custom repository)
    // from the SUT's repositories section. There is no way to do this via
    // `composer config --unset`, so we read and rewrite composer.json.
    $composer_json_path = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . "/{$package_dir}/composer.json";
    $composer_json = json_decode(file_get_contents($composer_json_path), TRUE);
    $json = json_encode($composer_json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
    file_put_contents($composer_json_path, $json);

    // Set up the template to use our path repos. Inclusion of metapackages is
    // reported differently, so we load up a separate set for them.
    $metapackage_path_repos = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory(), 'Metapackage');
      ->assertArrayHasKey('drupal/core-recommended', $metapackage_path_repos);
    $path_repos = array_merge($metapackage_path_repos, $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory(), 'Plugin'));

    // Always add drupal/core as a path repo.
    $path_repos['drupal/core'] = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core';
    foreach ($path_repos as $name => $path) {
        ->executeCommand("composer config --no-interaction repositories.{$name} path {$path}", $package_dir);

    // Change drupal/core-recommended to require the simulated version of
    // drupal/core.
    $core_recommended_dir = 'composer/Metapackage/CoreRecommended';
      ->executeCommand("composer remove --no-interaction drupal/core --no-update", $core_recommended_dir);
      ->executeCommand("composer require --no-interaction drupal/core:^{$simulated_core_version} --no-update", $core_recommended_dir);

    // Add our vendor package repository to our SUT's repositories section.
    // Call it "local" (although the name does not matter).
      ->executeCommand("composer config --no-interaction repositories.local composer file://" . $vendor_packages_path, $package_dir);
    $repository_path = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/test_repository/packages.json';
      ->makeTestPackage($repository_path, $simulated_core_version);
    $installed_composer_json = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/testproject/composer.json';
    $autoloader = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/testproject' . $docroot_dir . '/autoload.php';
      ->executeCommand("COMPOSER_HOME={$composer_home} COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION={$simulated_core_version} composer create-project --no-ansi {$project} testproject {$simulated_core_version} -vvv --repository {$repository_path}");

    // Ensure we used the project from our codebase.
      ->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing {$project} ({$simulated_core_version}): Symlinking from {$package_dir}");

    // Ensure that we used drupal/core from our codebase. This probably means
    // that drupal/core-recommended was added successfully by the project.
      ->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing drupal/core ({$simulated_core_version}): Symlinking from");

    // Verify that there is an autoloader. This is written by the scaffold
    // plugin, so its existence assures us that scaffolding happened.

    // Verify that the minimum stability in the installed composer.json file
    // matches the stability of the simulated core version.
    $composer_json_contents = file_get_contents($installed_composer_json);
      ->assertStringContainsString('"minimum-stability": "' . static::MINIMUM_STABILITY . '"', $composer_json_contents);

    // In order to verify that Composer used the path repos for our project, we
    // have to get the requirements from the project composer.json so we can
    // reconcile our expectations.
    $template_json_file = $this
      ->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/' . $package_dir . '/composer.json';
    $json_file = new JsonFile($template_json_file);
    $template_json = $json_file

    // Get the require and require-dev information, and ensure that our
    // requirements are not erroneously empty.
      ->assertNotEmpty($require = array_merge($template_json['require'] ?? [], $template_json['require-dev'] ?? []));

    // Verify that path repo packages were installed.
    $path_repos = array_keys($path_repos);
    foreach (array_keys($require) as $package_name) {
      if (in_array($package_name, $path_repos)) {

        // Metapackages do not report that they were installed as symlinks, but
        // we still must check that their installed version matches
        if (array_key_exists($package_name, $metapackage_path_repos)) {
            ->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing {$package_name} ({$simulated_core_version})");
        else {
            ->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing {$package_name} ({$simulated_core_version}): Symlinking from");

   * Assert that the VERSION constant in Drupal.php is the expected value.
   * @param string $expectedVersion
   * @param string $dir
  protected function assertDrupalVersion($expectedVersion, $dir) {
    $drupal_php_path = $dir . '/core/lib/Drupal.php';

    // Read back the Drupal version that was set and assert it matches expectations.
      ->executeCommand("php -r 'include \"{$drupal_php_path}\"; print \\Drupal::VERSION;'");

   * Creates a test package that points to the templates.
   * @param string $repository_path
   *   The path where to create the test package.
   * @param string $version
   *   The version under test.
  protected function makeTestPackage($repository_path, $version) {
    $json = <<<JSON
  "packages": {
    "drupal/recommended-project": {
      "{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}": {
        "name": "drupal/recommended-project",
        "dist": {
          "type": "path",
          "url": "composer/Template/RecommendedProject"
        "type": "project",
        "version": "{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}"
    "drupal/legacy-project": {
      "{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}": {
        "name": "drupal/legacy-project",
        "dist": {
          "type": "path",
          "url": "composer/Template/LegacyProject"
        "type": "project",
        "version": "{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}"
    file_put_contents($repository_path, $json);

   * Creates a test package that points to all the projects in vendor.
   * @param string $repository_path
   *   The path where to create the test package.
  protected function makeVendorPackage($repository_path) {
    $root = $this
    $process = $this
      ->executeCommand("composer --working-dir={$root} info --format=json");
    $installed = json_decode($process
      ->getOutput(), TRUE);

    // Build out package definitions for everything installed in
    // the vendor directory.
    $packages = [];
    foreach ($installed['installed'] as $project) {
      $name = $project['name'];
      $version = $project['version'];
      $path = "vendor/{$name}";
      $full_path = "{$root}/{$path}";

      // We are building a set of path repositories to projects in the vendor
      // directory, so we will skip any project that does not exist in vendor.
      // Also skip the projects that are symlinked in vendor. These are in our
      // metapackage. They will be represented as path repositories in the test
      // project's composer.json.
      if (is_dir($full_path) && !is_link($full_path)) {
        $packages['packages'][$name] = [
          $version => [
            "name" => $name,
            "dist" => [
              "type" => "path",
              "url" => $full_path,
            "version" => $version,
    $json = json_encode($packages, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
    file_put_contents($repository_path, $json);

   * Returns the stability of the least stable dependency.
  protected function getLowestDependencyStability() {
    $root = $this
    $process = $this
      ->executeCommand("composer --working-dir={$root} info --format=json");
    $installed = json_decode($process
      ->getOutput(), TRUE);
    $lowest_stability_order_index = count(static::STABILITY_ORDER);
    foreach ($installed['installed'] as $project) {

      // Exclude dependencies that are required with "self.version", since
      // those stabilities will automatically match the corresponding Drupal
      // release.
      $exclude = [
      if (!in_array($project['name'], $exclude, TRUE)) {
        $stability = VersionParser::parseStability($project['version']);
        $stability_order_index = array_search($stability, static::STABILITY_ORDER);
        $lowest_stability_order_index = min($lowest_stability_order_index, $stability_order_index);
    $lowest_stability = static::STABILITY_ORDER[$lowest_stability_order_index];
    return $lowest_stability;

   * Returns the stability of the current core version.
   * If the current core version is a tagged release (not a "-dev" version),
   * this returns the stability of that version.
   * If the current core version is a "-dev" version, but not a "x.y.0-dev"
   * version, this returns "stable", because it means that the corresponding
   * "x.y.0" has already been released, and only stable changes are now
   * permitted on the branch.
   * If the current core version is a "x.y.0-dev" version, then this returns
   * the stability of the latest tag that matches "x.y.0-*". For example, if
   * we've already released "x.y.0-alpha1" but have not yet released
   * "x.y.0-beta1", then the current stability is "alpha". If there aren't any
   * matching tags, this returns "dev", because it means that an "alpha1" has
   * not yet been released.
   * @return string
   *   One of: "dev", "alpha", "beta", "RC", "stable".
  protected function getCoreStability() {
    $version = \Drupal::VERSION;
    $stability = VersionParser::parseStability($version);
    if ($stability === 'dev') {

      // Strip off "-dev";
      $version_towards = substr($version, 0, -4);
      if (substr($version_towards, -2) !== '.0') {

        // If the current version is developing towards an x.y.z release where
        // z is not 0, it means that the x.y.0 has already been released, and
        // only stable changes are permitted on the branch.
        $stability = 'stable';
      else {

        // If the current version is developing towards an x.y.0 release, there
        // might be tagged pre-releases. "git describe" identifies the latest
        // one.
        $root = $this
        $process = $this
          ->executeCommand("git -C \"{$root}\" describe --abbrev=0 --match=\"{$version_towards}-*\"");

        // If there aren't any tagged pre-releases for this version yet, return
        // 'dev'. Ensure that any other error from "git describe" causes a test
        // failure.
        if (!$process
          ->isSuccessful()) {
            ->assertErrorOutputContains('No names found, cannot describe anything.');
          return 'dev';

        // We expect a pre-release, because:
        // - A tag should not be of "dev" stability.
        // - After a "stable" release is made, \Drupal::VERSION is incremented,
        //   so there should not be a stable release on that new version.
        $stability = VersionParser::parseStability(trim($process
          ->assertContains($stability, [
    return $stability;



Namesort descending Description
ComposerProjectTemplatesTest Demonstrate that Composer project templates are buildable as patched.